
This interface is provided to most stakeout event handlers, and supplies method for obtaining current stateout options.  Many of these options can also be changed, but only from a small number of event handlers, using tsc_PointStakeoutSetOptionsInterface.

The eventArgs parameter passed to event handlers may contain this interface.  It is accessed through the GetOptions member.

A summary of available stakeout options and how they are accessed, changed, and persisted can be found here.

Public methods

tsc_String LastStakedPointName() const

Returns the as-staked point name previously used.  At some point late in the stakeout workflow this will change to the point currently being staked.  This value is persistent across jobs and restarts.

tsc_String LastStakedFeatureString() const

Returns the feature code string of the previously staked point.  At some point late in the stakeout workflow this will change to the feature codes of the point currently being staked.  This value is persistent across jobs and restarts.

double LastStakedAzimuth() const

Returns the azimuth value used for the previous "Relative to azimuth" stakeout.

bool ViewDeltasBeforeStore () const

Returns the current 'view before storage' option.  When this option is true, the user is always presented with the "Deltas" form before the point is stored.  Also see HorizTolerance.

double HorizTolerance () const

Returns the current 'view before storage' tolerance.  This value is only relevant if the ViewDeltasBeforeStore option is false.  If the horizontal distance between the measured point and the target position exceeds this value, the "Deltas" form will be displayed.

bool StoreGridDeltas () const

Returns the current 'store grid deltas' option.  When this is true, the grid deltas are stored in the database along with the as-staked point.

bool AutoChangeToFine () const

Returns the current 'auto change to fine mode' option.  When this is true, the navigation display changes to Fine Mode when the current position becomes close to the target position.

bool SurveyorCentered () const

Returns the current 'surveyor centered display' option.  False means Target Centered.  With Survey Centered, the current position remains at the center of the display and the target point moves.  With Target Centered, the target point is fixed to the center of the display and the user's current position moves.

bool RemoveStakedFromList () const

Returns the current 'Remove staked point from list' option.  When this is true, a point that has been staked by selecting it from the stakout list, will be removed from the list when its as-staked point is stored.

bool CompassEnabled () const

Returns the current 'Use compass' option.  When this option is true and the platform has access to a magnetic compass, the navigation display will include compass-derived direction information.

bool CompassAvailable () const

Returns true if compass hardware is available and has been calibrated.