
This class provides a list of X_Codes.  Because X_Codes are a simple type (enum), operations perform copies rather than making references.

Storing an X_NULL item in the list is not generally advisable; some API methods that accept tsc_XCodeList objects will use the X_NULL as a list terminator, however the tsc_XCodeList itself does not treat X_NULL as special.

Public methods

tsc_XCodeList ()
Constructs an empty list.  Internally, no memory is allocated until an item is added to the list.


 tsc_XCodeList (const tsc_XCodeList &fromXCodeList)
Constructs a copy of the supplied list.  This is a clone rather than a reference.


tsc_XCodeList (const x_Code fromXNullTerminatedArray[]) 

Constructs from an X_NULL terminated array.

For example:

X_Code arr[] = {X_Three, X_Two, X_One, PX_LiftOff, X_NULL};

tsc_XCodeList countDown = new tsc_XCodeList (arr);


 tsc_XCodeList (const x_Code fromArray[], int itemCount) 

Constructs from an array of x-codes of a given size.

X_Code arr[] = {X_Three, X_Two, X_One, PX_LiftOff};

tsc_XCodeList countDown = new tsc_XCodeList (arr, sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]) );



tsc_XCodeList (x_Code v0, x_Code v1=X_NULL, x_Code v2=X_NULL, x_Code v3=X_NULL, x_Code v4=X_NULL, x_Code v5=X_NULL, x_Code v6=X_NULL, x_Code v7=X_NULL, x_Code v8=X_NULL, x_Code v9=X_NULL) 

Constructs a list from between one and ten x-codes supplied individually as parameters.  To construct a list of more than ten items, use one of the constructors that accepts an array of x-codes, and define the array separately. Example:

For example:

tsc_XCodeList list = new tsc_XCodeList (X_One, X_Two, X_Three);


int Count () const 

The number of x-codes in the list.  Internally, the list may be terminated by an X_NULL item, but this is never included in the Count.


const x_Code*  AsArray () const 

Returns the list as an array of x_Codes.  The returned address points to the internal list, which should not be changed.  The array will be terminated by an X_NULL item, which is not included in the list's count.


void Append (x_Code code) 

Appends an item to the end of the list.  Appending an X_NULL is not advisable; some methods that accept tsc_XCodeList objects will use the X_NULL as a list terminator.


bool Contains (x_Code xcodeToFind) 

Returns true if the item exists in the list.


int IndexOf (x_Code xcodeToFind) 

Returns the index of the item, or -1 if no matching x-code is found.


void Filter (tsc_XCodeList &filterSet) 

Removes from the list any item that is not in filterSet.


void Clear () 

Empties the list and frees the internal memory.


tsc_XCodeList &  operator+= (x_Code code) 

Adds an x-code to the end of the list.


tsc_XCodeList & operator+= (const tsc_XCodeList &from) 

Adds the contents of another list.


x_Code & operator[] (int index) 

Returns the item at index, which allows item to be changed.
For example:

myList[6] = X_Distance;


x_Code operator[] (int index) const 

Returns a copy of the item at index.


tsc_XCodeList & operator= (const tsc_XCodeList &from) 

Assignment of the list.  Unlike many Scapi objects, this is a copy operation, not a reference.