
This field type allows the entry of feature codes to be associated with a database entity such as a point.  This field does not currently support the entry of attribute values.

A feature code can be any string, but is typically used for one or more feature names that describe a point, such as "Post", "Manhole", "Fence", etc.  When more than one feature code is required, multiple names are entered separated by spaces.  Feature names that need to contain space characters instead contain a middle dot (·) to distinguish them from the separating space.  Thus a feature codes string might look like this:

Manhole Bus·stop Power·pole Tree  (albeit a somewhat unlikely combination).

The feature code field supports the use of feature code library (.FXL) files.  Please refer to General Survey documentation for details about the use of these files.  The feature code field has a button which allows the selection of an FXL file.  An FXL file contains a list of allowable codes, from which the user may select one or more to be entered into the code field.

FXL files may also contain specifications for the entry of attribute name/value pairs.  This functionality is not currently supported by the code field and any attribute information in the FXL file is ignored.

A code field's "value" is a string; it may be populated by using the Value method, by using the featureCodes parameter in the constructor, or obtained from an existing point.

Public Constructors

tsc_FeatureCodeField (x_Code prompt);

Constructs an empty feature code field.

tsc_FeatureCodeField (x_Code prompt, const char* featureCodes);

Constructs a feature code field containing the given string.

tsc_FeatureCodeField (x_Code prompt, tsc_Point point);

Constructs a feature code field and populates it from the codes of an existing point.

Member Functions

void Value(const char* featureCodes);

Sets the contents of the field to the supplied value.

tsc_String Value() const;

Returns the text from the field.

bool ContainsAttributes() const;

bool ContainsAttributes(const tsc_FeatureLibrary& usingThisLibrary) const;

Returns whether the current Value contains features with attributes according to the specified tsc_FeatureLibrary.  For the method with no arguments, the current job's feature library is used.


static const char* EmbeddedSpace;

This constant contains the UTF-8 string that represents an embedded space (·) in a feature code name.