Version 4.00 breaking changes

API Changes

Quick link: Converting a SCAPI project to the version 4 or higher SDK.

Note: Trimble Access and Survey Core have become almost synonymous, so from TA 2018.20 the version of Survey Core will match the last 4 digits of TA. So, version 2018.20 of TA will contain version 18.20 of Survey Core (Survey.exe).  Because the version number continues to increase, there is nothing special that needs to be done to deal with this.

Further note: From version 19.00 (May 2019) we are building a 64-bit application. This has not had a great effect upon development, except of course, plugins must also be built in an x64 configuration. Visual Studio 2017 should be used for these builds.

Survey Core is now using QT for its GUI framework, providing an enhanced user experience. Many visual aspects of the UI have changed, however the underlying principles remain much the same. These changes have caused a number of flow-on effects for plugins to deal with. In summary:

Build and deployment changes

The build process has been greatly simplified. Some of this is due to support for Windows CE being dropped, so there are now only two build configurations - Windows 32-bit Release and Debug. The release build creates two installers - one for the emulator for development and demonstrations on desktop and laptop computers, and one called tablet for all customer installs whatever the actual device (using Windows 7 and 10 only).

We have also made good use of the Custom Property sheets which are available in Visual Studio 2015.  The entire build configuration is now done in one place, the plugin property sheet.

Other non-breaking changes