
This is a simple value type that contains a grid coordinate.  There are three fields, all values are in SI units (metres):

double North;

double East;

double Elevation;

A set of functions may be used to determine which values, if any, are present.  Missing values are set to double_Null.

bool HasVertical();

bool HasHorizontal();

bool IsEmpty();

Resets the coordinate.

void SetEmpty ();

There is a conversion function from tsc_RawCircle - note that a properly configured observation (known station and target in the current database) is needed to allow complete conversion.

static tsc_Grid FromRawCircle (const tsc_RawCircle& rawCircle, class tsc_TsEnvironment& environment);

Conversion from other coordinate types is possible when a valid coordinate system is loaded.

static tsc_Grid FromWgs84(const struct tsc_Wgs84& position, const class tsc_CoordinateSystem& transform);

static tsc_Grid FromLocal(const struct tsc_Local& position, const class tsc_CoordinateSystem& transform);