
This interface is used to handle "change of configuration" events within Survey Core.  For general information on handling events using the Monitor interfaces, see Event handling.

Configuration change events are generated when a setting is changed that may change the way information is computed or displayed.  For display changes (eg, changing distances from feet to meters), there is usually nothing that needs to be done by the plugin, since the standard form fields will automatically be refreshed and therefore change to the correct display.

Configuration changes typically precede a database change event, since all configuration changes are also written to the database.

Some of these events, such as Style changed, will be of limited use to plugins.  Others such as coordinate systems or units are very useful to allow correct coordinate calculation and display.

Starting and stopping the monitor

void  Start ();
Starts monitoring events that occur.  Calling Start multiple times is not an error.

void  Stop ();
Stops event handling.  Stopping a monitor that was never started or is already stopped is not an error.  The Stop must be called on the same thread that started the monitor.

Event handlers

These methods are overridden as required.  They all have default implementations that ignore the event, so that only required handlers need to be implemented.

virtual void OnConfigChanged ();
This handler is called when any configuration change has occurred.  This call always follows a call to one of the more specific events.

virtual void OnConfigUnits ();
When a display unit setting changes, this handler is called:

virtual void OnConfigCoordView ();
When a coordinate view (Grid, WGS, LLH, HA/VA/SD, etc) setting changes, this handler is called:

virtual void OnConfigDescriptionsDefinition();
When the description fields setup is changed in the job properties.

virtual void OnConfigCoding();
When feature coding changes through editing the features file or selecting a different file, this handler is called:

virtual void OnConfigTarget();
This handler is called when some aspect of the current target has been changed (height, prism constant, etc):

virtual void OnConfigCoordSystem();
This handler is called when some aspect of the coordinate system has changed.

virtual void OnConfigStyleChanged ();
A style record was stored to the current database.  Occasionally an in-memory change will produce this event.

Available in SC version 2.10 and later.