Installing plugins on Android


All regular Android app installations are done using an APK file. When an APK is installed, Android creates a private (sandbox) area on the device's storage which is accessible only to the installed app. This means it is not possible to deploy a TA plugin in a separate plugin APK, since Trimble Access would be unable to access it from its own private sandbox.

Instead, we use a zip file of the plugin installation placed in the /Trimble Data/System Files/plugins/ folder, and TA will install it into its own sandbox area when it is first accessed by the user.

The installer zip file may arrive in the plugins folder by any means:

Every installer zip file must be paired with a sig file of the same name, such as and MyPlugin_arm_v1.02.03.sig. The sig file contains a cryptographically strong signature of the zip file to prevent tampering, and is generated online by the plugin submission form. 

To streamline debugging, developers using Scapi may bypass the signing / verification process by obtaining a Scapi development license for the device, from Trimble. 

Trimble Access at startup

Reinstallation decisions are based on the plugin version. In the case of identical version numbers between an installed plugin and an installer zip file, installation will always occur on the assumption that the installer zip is a replacement.

Installation when the app is first used

The installer Zip file

The name of the zip file from the plugin build process should preferably be: <plugin_name>_<platform>_<configuration>_<version>.zip  For example: (or perhaps 

The name is for identification, uniqueness, and readability, and has no hard formatting rules.

For the zip file to work with Trimble's plugin submission system, every version and configuration must have a unique filename, which is the main reason for including the hardware type and version number.

Note that when the Trimble Installation Manager downloads the plugin to the Android device, there will be two files called simply <plugin_name>.zip and <plugin_name>.sig. This is for internal simplicity. The name itself is unimportant though the .zip and .sig must have the same name. Trimble Access will aggressively clean up multiple installations of a plugin, and keep only the one that is currently installed, or due to to be installed when selected.

The zip file itself contains the usual plugin files (resources, language, and the timxml file), plus the lib<name>.so file, a dynamically-loaded Android library. These files all normally reside in the top-level directory within the zip (in other words, do not include the full directory path).

If the plugin library has other .so dependencies then they must also exist in the zip along with a .dep file of the same name as the plugin library (lib<plugin>.so.dep), containing the library names, one per line in the order they should be loaded prior to loading the plugin itself.

Subdirectories are supported in the zip for resource files, but library files (.so) should be in the root directory in the zip.

After installation, the zip file remains in the plugins directory but is renamed to <name> to prevent it being reinstalled every time. The .sig file remains also. To uninstall a plugin, you can rename the zip file to <name> which causes the plugin and all of its installation files to be removed at the next Trimble Access startup. 

Putting a replacement .zip file in the plugins directory will uninstall the previous plugin of the same GUID and install the new one, if the version is equal or greater.

Reinstalling Trimble Access

Trimble Access is configured to delete its private sandbox files when uninstalled or reinstalled (or rather, they are not backed up in the Google cloud). This means a TA reinstall, which will download the TA application but not plugin installers, would not reinstall plugins. When TA starts, it checks for files that do not have a matching installation, and renames any back to .zip - which will get them reinstalled.

Signing the installer zip

To simplify development, any Android device which has a Trimble Scapi developers' license will not require a signature for any installer. If a signature file is present it will be checked and the result (verified, failed, or missing) will be logged in sc.log, and the plugin will be installed and run regardless.

On a device with a normal customer subscription purchased from Trimble, the zip file will be signed by Trimble before downloading via TIM, by adding a second file called <name>.sig, where<name> is exactly the same base file name as the zip file. The sig file contains the plugin version, GUID, and RSA signature. Plugin installation will only proceed on a customer's device if the signature verifies the zip file is correct. 

Plugin signing service

Plugin developers have access to the Plugin submission page used to upload plugins for customer installation. This same service may be used to obtain a valid signature file for a plugin zip. Simply upload the the zip installer file, submit the form, and then download the plugin using the download link on the Applications page. This will download a zip file containing the supplied plugin zip file plus a matching signature file.