
An instance of tsc_StationResults contains the output of a station calculation. The results contain an indication of how well the calculation worked, and a large number of parameters describing the result. 

This class makes no guarantee about what information is present; this is entirely dependent on the calculation subclass that performed the work. The property descriptions below indicate what each field is used for and when a value is required.

The calculation may be performed by one of the standard built-in subclasses of tsc_StationCalculationBase, or by a custom subclass written by a plugin developer.

x_Code ErrorCode;

Extended error information for when PositionIsvalid is false;

bool PositionIsvalid;

The grid position (The StationPosition value) result from the calculation contained at least one dimension.  Examine the StationPosition field for more information.

int PositionDimensions;

The valid dimensions of the grid position.  This uses the same values as the tsc_Backsight::UseDimensions member value.

tsc_StationSetupType Type;

The type of station calculation that was performed.  This value is set by the calculation subclass, so it's value is dependent on which subclass was used.

bool ScaleIsFixed;

A scale factor was supplied to the CalculateStation() method, and the value has been held fixed.

double ScaleFactor;

The computed or supplied scale factor.  The value is the computed scale factor only when ScaleIsFixed is true.

double ScaleStdError;

The computed scale factor's standard error.

tsc_Grid StationPosition;

The computed grid position of the station.

tsc_GridDeltas StationError;

The standard error of the station's computed position.

double F1OrientationCorrection;

The instrument orientation for face 1 observations, measured in radians from grid north.

double F2OrientationCorrection;

The instrument orientation for face 2 observations, measured in radians from grid north.

double F1OrientationStdError;

The standard error of the computed orientation for face 1.

double F2OrientationStdError;

The standard error of the computed orientation for face 2.

tsc_String BackbearingName;

Name of the known point that is to be used as the backbearing.

double BackbearingF1HorzAngle;

Measured or computed horizontal angle for face 1.    For a simple single-backsight station setup, this is the actual backsight HA measurement.  For other setup types such as a free-station (resection), this is a computed value, such that if the point were to be measured from the station as it has been computed, this would be the horizontal angle reading.

Survey Core uses this value to orient the total station, to convert a horizontal angle reading into an azimuth measured from grid north.

double BackbearingF2HorzAngle;

Measured or computed horizontal angle for face 2.  This field has the same meaning as BackbearingF1HorizAngle, but is used to orient measurements made using face 2.

double BackbearingHAStdError;

The standard error of the two horizontal angles.

tsc_BacksightList Backsights;

A list of all backsights with residuals and inclusion control.  This list is a copy of the calculation's input list.  Each backsight item contains the known point, the observed point, the calculated residuals, and a dimensions control field used to control how each observation is used.

tsc_MtaList Mtas;

A list of all MTAs, one for each known point with more than a single observation.