
This page decribes tsc_PointStakeoutEventArgs and it's subclasses (tsc_PointStakeoutTextEventArgs etc).  These interfaces are supplied to the plugin when a stakeout drawing event occurs, and the plugin may customize some aspects of the stakeout navigation display using the methods in these classes.

class tsc_PointStakeoutEventArgs : public tsc_Object

This interface is the base class of a number of event agument subclasses.  It provides a number of methods for obtaining information about the current stakeout.

tsc_Grid TargetPosition () const;

Returns the grid coordinate of the point being staked out, known as the target point.

tsc_Grid CurrentPosition () const;

Returns the grid coodinate of the current position.  The returned coordinate contains only the available values, and therefore may be partially or completely empty, depending on how the point is being measured

tsc_GridDeltas GridDeltas () const;

Returns the deltas between the current position and the target point, relative to the current position.

double HorizDistanceToTarget () const;

Returns the horizontal distance from current position to the target.

class tsc_PointStakeoutTextEventArgs : public tsc_PointStakeoutEventArgs

During stakeout navigation, the OnDrawTextFields event provides this "EventArgs" interface which has methods to display text fields on the navigation display, and includes inherited methods for access to the current state of the stakeout system.

void AddText (const char* prompt, const char* value);

Adds a prompt/value pair to the text fields on the right-hand side of the stakeout navigation display, using standard fonts and colors.  The field is located at the top or directly below any previously added fields.

void AddText (const char* prompt, const char* value, tsc_Color textColor);

Adds a prompt/value pair to the text fields on the right-hand side of the stakeout navigation display, using standard fonts and the supplied color for the value.  The field is located at the top or directly below any previously added fields.  Note: Because the stakeout display uses a limited palette of colors, the supplied RGB value will be mapped to the nearest color and may consequently be somewhat different from the specified color.

void AddText (const char* prompt, const char* value, tsc_Color textColor, tsc_StakeoutTextOptions options);

Adds a prompt/value pair to the text fields on the right-hand side of the stakeout navigation display, using the supplied color.  The field is located at the top or directly below any previously added fields.  Note: Because the stakeout display uses a limited palette of colors, the supplied RGB value will be mapped to the nearest color and may consequently be somewhat different from the specified color.

void AddSeparator();

Adds a horizontal line below the previous text field.  The line occupies about half of the height of a normal field.

void AddStandardTextFields();

Adds all the text fields that would normally be displayed by Survey Core.  The number and content of these fields is highly dependent on the type of stakeout, type of instrument, and other options.  The fields are displayed either at the top or below any previously added fields, and further fields may be added below the standard ones using AddText(), if there is room.  Occasionally a standard field may display at the bottom rather than sequentially down from the top.