
This is a standard radio button control based on tsc_Control.

The groupId parameter is used to associate radio buttons together into mutually exclusive groups.  The first group (on a given form) should have a group id of 0 and the next should have 1, etc.  The indexWithinGroup parameter controls the order of the selection cycling within that group.  Note that neither parameter controls the layout or relative order of the controls.

Note that there is only On or Off with no indeterminant state.

Radio field prompts should be unique on the form with regard to other button like controls.

Note: On TASDK versions prior to v2.50 there is a bug where click events for tsc_RadioFields are reported as softkey events.  This has been fixed since v2.50 and SurveyCore has preserved backwards compatibility for existing plugins.  Users who have upgraded an older project should be aware that event handling may need updating.