
This class is deprecated, since tsc_AppMainWindow is no longer used.

This is a subclass of tsc_ControlListBase, used by tsc_AppMainWindow.  It allows only a subset of control types to be added, which includes tsc_SoftkeyControl and tsc_MenuButton, the only controls that tsc_AppMainWindow will accept.

Adds a control to the end of the list.  The control must have been allocated on the heap using new.  Destruction of the list will deallocate the memory for all controls present in the list at the time of destruction.

tsc_Control*  Add (class tsc_SoftkeyControl* control);

tsc_Control*  Add (class tsc_MenuButton*     control);

Inherited from tsc_ControlListBase

bool Contains (class tsc_Control* control);

void Remove (class tsc_Control* control);

void DeleteAll ();