
This class holds the residual errors associated with a grid calculation that generated it (e.g. a backsight observation in the station setup calculation).



Generate a new empty residuals object.

Class Members

int DimensionsUsed;

The dimensions of the positions that were used in the calculation.

tsc_GridDeltas GridResidual;

The residuals between the observed and expected (calculated point) expressed as cartesian grid deltas from the measured point.

tsc_CorrectedCircle AngleResidual;

The difference between the measured observation and the expected observation to the known point.  This is expressed in delta values.

double Azimuth;

The residual delta azimuth.

double LongitudinalDistance;

The residual delta along the line of the observation.

double OrthogonalDistance;

The residual delta orthogonal to the line of the observation.

double RadialDistance;

The radial delta along the line of the observation.