
This class represents one feature in a set of features and attributes as stored in the database.

Public constructors

tsc_Feature ();

Constructs an empty feature.

tsc_Feature (const char* name);

Constructs a feature with the given name.

tsc_Feature (const tsc_LibraryFeature& feature);

Construct a feature from a library feature.  All attributes and their default values are copied into the tsc_Feature, including the auto-generation of values where this is indicated by the library feature.

tsc_Feature (const tsc_Feature&);

The copy constructor creates a reference to the same object.

Public methods

tsc_Feature& operator= (const tsc_Feature&);

Assignment creates a reference to the same object.

tsc_String Name () const;

Returns the name of the feature.  The name may contain spaces.  Note that the feature name is called the Feature code in some other Trimble software, such as Trimble Business Center.

void Name (const char* name) const;

Changes the name of the feature.

tsc_String FeatureCode () const;

Returns the name as a feature code, as it would appear in the entity's Code field.  This conversion replaces spaces with middle-dot characters.

tsc_AttributeList Attributes;

The list of attributes within the feature.  This member always contains a valid tsc_AttributeList object, even when there are no attributes present.