
A MTA list contains a number of tsc_Mta objects.  MTAs (Mean Turned Angles) are observations which are made from the average of the 'turned angles' from the backsight to a known point.   The observations used all "belong" to a single station and any target differences are taken into account.

Each MTA consists of the following:


tsc_MtaList ();

Constructs an empty list.

Public methods

int Count() const;

Returns the total number of items (backsight measurements) in the list.

tsc_Mta& operator[] (int index);

Returns a reference to any item in the list, given a zero-based index.  The item in the list may be modified by changing values in the returned reference.

const tsc_Mta& operator[] (int index) const;

Returns a const reference to any item in the list, given a zero-based index.

void Append (const tsc_Mta& mta);

Adds a copy of the MTA to the end of the list.

void Append (const tsc_Mta* mta);

Adds MTA to the list and takes ownership of it.  The list will delete the object when the item is removed or the list destroyed.

void Remove (const tsc_Mta& mta);

Removes the MTA from the list and deletes any associated memory. The match is by reference - that is, the same object (perhaps retrieved by the [] operator).

void  Remove (int index);

Removes the item at index from the list, and deletes any associated memory.