
As of version 4.00 of SCAPI, the tsc_PageBreakControl class is deprecated. The new form system no longer uses the concept of pages.

This control is used to force subsequent controls in the form's control list to a new page.  tsc_PageBreakControl does nothing if the current position is already at the top-left cell of a page.  This control is effective whether the form is using Layout_Auto or Layout_Custom.  It also affects the display page for controls that position themselves using SetCustomLayoutPosition.

Any number of pages can be added to a form, within reason.

The following code puts three images on three separate pages of a form.

Controls.Add(new tsc_ImageControl (X_Image1, tsc_Image::FromResource(IDB_Image1))); Controls.Add(new tsc_PageBreakControl()); Controls.Add(new tsc_ImageControl (X_Image2, tsc_Image::FromResource(IDB_Image2))); Controls.Add(new tsc_PageBreakControl());  Controls.Add(new tsc_ImageControl (X_Image3, tsc_Image::FromResource(IDB_Image3)));