How To Contact the Counselors

Like the rest of the Secondary TISA staff, your Counselors have an open door policy.  This means that you are welcome to stop by at any time to talk if we are available.  Our offices are in TISA 4 at the top of the stairs and across the hall from the libary. Room 401 is the Upper Secondary Counselor M5-DP2, Ms. Sarah Borgerding and Room 403 is where you can find the Middle School Counselor M1-M4`, Ms. Rachael Molitor.  If you would like to set an appointment please email me with some times you would be available so that we can find a time that works for us both, or you can call my Secretary Ms. Kamala at the Secondary Reception, and she will help you to set an appointment. This is true for parents and students alike. 

TISA Upper Secondary School Counselor M5-DP2: Ms. Sarah Borgerding 


TISA Middle Secondary School Counselor M1-M4: Ms Rachael Molitor


Phone: +99412 404 12 01  (This is the TISA number--ask for the secondary secretary and she can connect you to our office lines, or take a message)  The TISA phone system does not have a way to leave a message, so an email is more likely to reach us if you are not able to get through. 

If it is an emergency please call and ask for Secondary Reception.  Once you are there let them know that the nature of the emergency and ask for the Counselor, Ms Favret, Secondary School Principal, or Mr. Franko the Secondary School Assistant Principal.  You can also send emails to the same people with Emergency or Urgent in the subject line.  Thank You

Students with Universities applications all corners of the globe are asked to use the Bridge U system for tracking their progress.  Bridge U helps students to track, explore and manage their career thinking process and their University Applications.  Please ask your student if they have a Bridge U account and ask them to show you.  Students with Universities applications all corners of the globe are asked to use the Bridge U system for tracking their progress.   Students can link to their Bridge U accounts directly from manage bac as the systems are linked.