Resume or CV 

Step 1: Gather Experiences that show skills. 

Think about the skills or "Strategy Factors" (See above) that you are that this activity        hi-lights. 

What were you able to show in your EE, from solving a particularly difficult problem in     Math, from the your group presentation in Psychology or....

Step 2: Spend time thinking about what you want the University to know about you, and why is this important for your application.

Step 3: Put this all together.  Spend some time thinking about how the skills you have from Step 1 aline with the skills that you want to show from step 2. 

Step 4: The Writing

What is a resume?

A resume is a document that sums up your skills, experiences and accomplishments so a potential employer can quickly see whether you are a good fit for a position. Before you start applying for jobs or internships, you'll need to write a resume Even if you're new to the workforce, a strong resumé can help you stand out in the crowd.

What does a resume look like?

Resumes don't look alike, but there are some general guidelines. Resumes come in a fairly straight forward formats. (Sample with notes attached) Employers generally prefer that they fit on one side of one page. They also should always look professional(no pink paper or fancy fonts)

You have 7 seconds to catch the eye of the reader.  So keep it SIMPLE! 

Writing a Resume:

The resume should be concise, yet provide sufficient information to present effectively your qualifications and to interest the employer enough to invite you for an interview. Define your experience and education in professional terms appropriate to the level and quality of your experience. Every word in your resume must provide evidence that you are a qualified candidate for the position you are seeking.

Last but not least use ACTION VERBS to start every descriptive line.  This faces your resume with                         the skills and actions that you want to draw attention to. 

Find lists of action words on the following links.  If you do not find one there that works for you google "Action Words For Resumes" to find more:

Step 5: The Edit  Show your application Essay and your Resume to someone.  

Ask them to tell you what the different documents say about you.  

Did you say what you wanted to say? 

 If yes, then you are good to go. 

 If not then another draft is step 6.  

CV Advice from the Netherlands