International Student Proof of Finance

Most Countries in the world welcome International Students, but you will need to be able to show that you have enough money to pay for your tuition, room and board and all other costs

This means that you will need to have original documents like bank statements that prove this.  Each country has rules about what constitutes an "original" document.  Some need stamps and signatures, and some need the documents to be on bank letterhead paper.   

Please note that some banks are hesitant, or will simply refuse, to sign and stamp documents.  Make sure that you give yourself time to do this, and talk to your banks ahead of time. 

Here are a few resources for our top destinations to give you some ideas. 


For a student visia you must have enough money to pay for your course and your living costs, sometimes refered to as maintenance or financial requirements.  The below link is a pdf document from the home office with details of what was required for the maintence costs for students in 2023/24.  These documents are not part of the University application process but are part of the student visa application process for the UK. 

Home office: Student and Child Student


In the US each University is responsible to certify to the federal government that a student has proven that they can pay all of the tuition room and board of that University.  Then the University provides a letter saying that the student has sufficient funds to cover the costs and that they University is inviting them to study.  This letter is produced by the University after acceptance and the student paying the Non- refundable deposit fee.  As such each University has it's way of doing things.  Some Universities like Boston University ask that you have certain forms and documents that are ready to send to the University as a part of the application process, before decisions are made.   Some ask for a spacific form often called the "Certification of Finances Form" to be filled out.  I have included the link to Boston University's information page and the Certification of Finances form from Amherst College as samples of what you might expect.