US Type

The Personal Essay:  Who are you?

In this style of University Application essay the key thing that they want from your essay is to learn something about you that is not evident in the rest of the application. They want to get a sense of your energy, your approach to life, experience, and challenge.  They have a strong sense of your academic ability by the rest of the application.  They want your essay to flesh out an image of your presence in the classroom and on campus.  How will you will fit and enrich the campus dynamics.  

The trick is through your writing and rewriting process to narrow to theme or message that you wish to focus on.  What do you want universities to know about you? 

What is your theme?  Your message...  Possible examples: 

"I am Internationally Minded, Intellectually Curious (About this field--UK), and resilient.

I know how to take down a challenge, and then enjoy taking on new one.  

I am passionately involved in finding solutions for pollution and work well with teams/people leading towards a solution. 

I keep on getting knocked down, but I get up again!

I have a good heart, am kind, and want to help people. 

Math is the language of the world!"