Personal Statements & Essays



This style would include any University where you are applying directly to a specific program like IE University or the more general University programs in the Netherlands and Europe. It is focused on your academic preparation for the course. Research the course.  Look at the modules, to make sure that it covers topics that you are wanting to engage with and if so write about that.  Make sure that  75-80 % is focused on academics and the course.  With everything-- including extra curricular, tie it back.  Say/show what you have learned and gained from this experience and how it will support you in the course/subject/career.  

For the UK, especially the competitive schools and programs rely on the Essay as a key part of the admissions process.  This is your chance to put voice to your thinking and your dreams.  This is your chance to make yourself stand up and stand out!  USE IT!!!!  

For More details hit the red bar below:


In this style of University Application essay the key thing that they want from your essay is to learn something about you that is not evident in the rest of the application. They want to get a sense of your energy, your approach to life, experience, and challenge.  They have a strong sense of your academic ability by the rest of the application.  They want your essay to flesh out an image of your presence in the classroom and on campus.  How will you will fit and enrich the campus dynamics.  This would include many of the essays for the Netherlands competitive programs and University College System, or any more liberal arts style education. 

For more details hit the red bar below: 

Comparing the Application Writing Requirements: The Tree Ladder Spectrum

This section is currently under review and an update will be posted soon.

The following ideas are good for all types of personal statement and essays.  There is also a section below with ideas on how to get started with your writing and editing.  

General overview of starting process: Idea Creation

Pre-Writing - US: figure out your potential theme(s) and hooks.  What do you want the Universities to know about you? Brainstorm ideas about how your theams/hooks and what you want them to know hang together.

Pre Writing- UK: Gather your experiences that related to this field-- to the course of study and the skills that this course requires.  How do these hang together?  How can you show (not tell) your interest, preparation, and dedication to the course? 

Gathering of Ideas:

An Example of a Writing/Drafting Process

Draft 1: "the SH*&^$% first draft"


Idea: Set a timer for 20-30 minutes and just write on that topic with out stoping until the timer goes off

Then - Write Many Drafts:

Some of the questions you can ask yourself (or another) might be: 

Possible additional questions to ask others when they are reading your essay: 

1. Does the introduction draw you in? 

2. What do you think I am trying to say? 

3. How do I come across as a person?

4. Is it clear why this story is important to me? 

5. Where do I need more detail? 

6. Which parts do you like the best? 

7. Could anyone have written this essay?

8. Is there any place where you were confused? 

Day ....... 3 to.......? -----     POLISH!

(Note: If spelling is your challenge, please do not rely on Ms. Borgerding to assist you with this aspect because it is her challenge too! :-))  

Make the necessary final edits -- and you are done!