Culture Shock & Transitioning

First few weeks of University Scavenger Hunt

Resources for Life Skills

Mending your Clothes: NPR Life Kit

Four Stages of Culture Shock and Reverse Culture Shock

1. The Honeymoon Stage

Often overwhelmingly positive time, usually happens the first few weeks or months, but may reoccur.  It is an excitement, romanticizing the novel experience of the new culture.   

2. The Frustration Stage

At this stage, the fatigue of not understanding and running into things that are different and differently done, is starting to wear spots a bit raw, which can lead to frustration. Small things like loosing your keys, missing a bus or a train, having an order screwed up in a restaurant, not being able to find something in a groceries store.....  

3. The Adjustment Stage

We start to be more comfortable with the things that would frustrate us.  Navigation becomes easier, friends and communities of support are established and details of local languages may become more recognizable.

4. The Acceptance Stage

Feeling at ease and at home. 


Here is a list of things to watch out for but it is not all inclusive. Rate your self from 1-10 on each of the below items or other symptoms that you recognize. If you remain high for several weeks please go seek professional assistance!  If you score high in any area try some of the suggestions below to help you cope. Proactive awareness can help to prevent more serious issues. 

Suggestions on things you can do to help yourself!

1. Learn how to cook your favorite dish and make a potluck dinner with friends each bringing a dish from home. 

2. Who are the counselors, people in your dorm etc that you could talk to? 

3. Bring with you something from home, a pillow case, a hanging...something