
For Universities in Turkey you are going to need to look on the website of individual Universities.  The two Universities that our students attend and the programs are in English are Koc https://www.ku.edu.tr/en/ and Sabanci University www.sabanciuniv.edu.

These are the most common Turkish Universities that TISA students apply to and attend.  

Please note we have had students have issues with other Turkish Universities that say they run programs in English but the professors actually teach in Turkish.   

For Koc and Sabanci Universities as you are applying as an IB student you do not need an SAT score to apply.  If you are applying with your TISA diploma then you will need an SAT test as a part of your application.  


Turkish Government English Language Requirement:  

All students applying for English speaking programs in Turkey must submit a TOFEL, CAT, or a PTE.   An ILTS is not an acceptable exam!  
