Informative Interviewing

The Main purpose of An informational interview is to investigate a Career or Field area by talking to a person Currently in that field.  It enables you to flesh out your career prototype and have it be a bit more real, and multidimensional. 

Informational Interviews are introduced in M5 TAO but are encouraged and available for all students.  They are a great opportunity to connect with people who are excited or engaged in something that you are interested in or to connect with people who are living your dream job

An additional Resource that we use in M5 TAO classes that I would encourage everyone to check out is: Roadtrip Nation. 

Planing Ahead

Once you have an idea of what you might be interested in investigating further it is now time to get started finding someone to talk to.  

Point of challenge: You can start with someone you may know, but I encourage you to interview someone you do not know if possible. 

Day of the Interview

After the Interview

Possible Questions