
Course Specific

Some courses like Psychology may require an exam as part of the admissions requirements. Generally after you have applied they will send you more information about these exams. Many will send you content ahead for you to look at and respond to the day of the exam. Some have past papers for review as well, but these are sent to you by the University program after you have completed the physical application. (This is different from most other entrance exams that need to be done before you apply.)

Missing A Class for Admissions?

Some Courses in the Netherlands require additional courses that you may not have been able to take in the context of your TISA IB Schedule.

The Boswell-Beta gives you and opportunity to take courses and take exams to stand in for the missing content. Triple check that the course you are interested in will not accept a course that you might have taken in M4 or M5. (Example- a semester of Physics in M5), and that they will accept the Boswell-Beta as a replacement.