Documenting Your Process

It is recommended for all students to find a way to Document their research. I recommend that all students get a notebook of some kind for them to write ( old school ) their notes. When they are on their computers doing research it is challenging to write down notes on the same computer. Also when you go to visit a University it is much easier to take notes when you are there and bring your questions and take notes with the answers in a notebook than it is on device.

Getting Started:

  1. Write your name on the cover and write down what this notebook is for! I encourage you to decorate it as you go! Put stickers or pictures or whatever on it, as your ideas and research develops into possibilities-- make it yours!

  2. Think about the question "What do I want from my post high school experience (College, Gap, Work etc...) or "what would make the perfect post-secondary experience?" Spend a few minutes writing down your ideas.

  3. Next-- Take a look at the Good Fit page on this website. Then think about your answer to the question again? What would you add or change or .... ? Take a few more minutes to write down your thoughts.

  4. Remember that there is no right or wrong- and that this is NOT- "the answer"- rather it is an exploration of possibilities. Please continue to come back to this idea/question over and over. As your research continues, and the more you understand, the more you will develop/change/adapt your response. This will give you ideas about where you might look next.

  5. Where to start: Go to the Where in the World page on this website, pick a country and a search device, find a University and spend 30 minutes on the website looking, and poking and taking notes in your notebook.