Investigating Direction: 

Career Thinking and More...

Gathering data about yourself and your interests leading to choosing you IB subjects. 

Ikigai Presentation

How do you know who you are or what your place is in the world?  The Japanise concept of Ikigai just might help:  ( Thank you Mr Shun Amada for sharing this with TISA Students) 


The above button on Career Investigation is the starting place in this process at TISA, and the below buttons are some of the resources that we will be using but that you might want to have direct access to. 

 Please note that the Bridge U link is accessible by students only.  Parents please sit down with your student and investigate this resource together.  Bridge U is also the place where University applications are tracked in DP2. 

Acceptance of IB 

Document summarizing some of the IB Acceptance and Scholarship Policies across the US and Canada