Special Needs Students

Post Secondary Thoughts for the Neurodiverse and otherwise Differently Abled. 

If you have dyslexia, a specific learning challenge, depression, anxiety, or are exceptional in any way there are additional things you need to consider when looking for a good fit post secondary option. It is important that you take a careful look at resources that are available, and ask questions about how you will be supported.  What are the class sizes, are they willing to teach and provide the exam support or what ever support you need to be able to do your best!    

Here is an article about things you should be aware of and think about.  It is written for the US so some of the information is specific, but these are still good things to think about where ever you end up.

Please note that this is very important  thought process for University programs ALL over the world.  

Please do not hesitate to come talk to your counselor about any questions that might come up.  

Differently Abled Information and Resources

University Search Tools: 

EU- JoinIn

US- ThinkCollege