Just because I have a Question: 

Super Curricular Resources 

Super Curricular Resources

Oxford Resources for possible Candidates

edX | Free Online Courses by Harvard, MIT, & more | edX

Oxplore: The home of the Big Questions

Super-curricular_suggestions: Click on the PDF:  A selection of suggested reading lists and other resources for all courses at Cambridge, collated from departmental and College websites

HE+ (myheplus.com) Super-curricular resource bank, created and updated by Cambridge academics

Isaac Chemistry A mastery book and free activities to help students develop their problem-solving skills in pre-university physical chemistry

I Want to Study Engineering (i-want-to-study-engineering.org) Problem-solving activities, exam practice, and engineering-themed games

NRICH - Mathematics Resources for Teachers, Parents and Students to Enrich Learning (maths.org)

Isaac PhysicsProblem-solving activities, virtual lessons, weekly games and teacher CPD, all designed to help students develop their understanding of pre-university physics

Very Short Introductions - Oxford University Press (oup.com) An excellent way of exploring a wide range of new subjects, particularly when students are thinking of applying for a subject that they haven’t been able to study at school