Talking to Universities:

Questions and Contacts- Virtually or in Person

Virtual University Fairs and Connections:

General Information on Finding Universities all over the world:

Uni Webinar Search: Search for opportunities to engage with the schools and programs you are interested in.

How to Start A Conversation:

If you visit is virtual or in person I encourage you to talk to/chat with the representative. This is the best way to get accurate first hand information about the University and the programs you are interested in. Sometimes though it is hard to know how to get started, so here are some ideas:

  1. Hi, and your name is a great place to start.

  2. Try ask specific questions (not vague questions). Tell me about your school, as an example is too big of a question and may leave the rep not knowing where to start. You may end up getting information that is not helpful to you. Instead try asking questions from the list below like What do students do for fun? or What are the dominant social groups on campus?.

  3. If you have the time look at schools web-pages ahead of time, use the questions below as a starting point to see if you can find the answers on the web page. You can use them as a sort of scavenger hunt, and learn about the school in the process. Questions you ask the reps can be the questions that you did not find the answers to and or other questions that arise as you look through the web page/pamphlets and other materials.

How to Setup a Visit


There are now some amazing virtual options for visiting UK Universities. For the UK there are two entry points to discover your available options. First is the UCAS HUB. This is an account where you can search for universities and programs, save your searches, compare universities and programs, and talk directly with students who are currently studying in the programs you are interested in. You will also be able to access more information about other virtual events like virtual open days and tours. The second is to look directly on the websites of the Universities you are interested in. This is the best way to know when a University is offering it's virtual open days and student events. After you have found programs you like via UCAS HUB I encourage you to go look at the university website directly.

Many Universities in the UK have limited or canceled all in person open days right now during this time of COVID, so check the University website for more information before you plan on a physical visit. If you do want and are able to go in person, here is information for you: Look for the University's Open Days, and ascertain if you are able to visit on those dates and times? These are the days that are set aside for you to visit, attend classes, get tours and other experiences often led by current students as well as possibly meeting with people in the departments you may need when you are applying and as you get your scores. (See UK Category in Questions to ask in left hand column) Ask them about access to the department that you are most interested in.

If you are not able to go to an Open Day, and or if the open day does not facilitate your access to people/students in the departments you are interested in, please go to the University website and search for tours or visits. Many UK Universities have both a self tour or a guided tour. You can sign up via the website like this one for Kings University . You can also give the departments and the admissions reps a call and talk to them about your proposed visit. Also see if we have any alumni who are students at this school as they can sometimes be available to give you a personalised tour, if you time things right. :-)

Another option is to attend a University Tour of the UK. There are several to choose from. Ms. Borgerding posts them in your Managebac messages from time to time, so watch that space! and or go see Ms. Borgerding for the tour information.

Bring with you a copy of the TISA school profile.


There are currently opportunities to visit virtually with most all US Universities. Many Universities have a virtual visit/tour of campus right on their websites and have opportunities to connect with current students and University representatives. You can also connect with representatives by attending a virtual University Fair or individual University informational session. Please keep your eyes on Managebac for postings on these opportunities. You can also get more information about these events on directly on the University websites. You can find links for US Universities that might fit you here: Searching for US Universities.

Many Universities in the US have limited or canceled all in person visit opportunities right now during this time of COVID, so check the University website for more information before you plan on a physical visit. If you do want and are able to go in person, here is information for you:

Bring with you:

  • A copy of your current Transcript

  • A copy of the School Profile

  • A copy of your resume (If you have one)

  1. Look on the schools website to see if they have a way to register for a tour or visit. If they have a place on their web page please do!

  2. If not please call the school's add missions department, and ask about the possibility of visiting.

(click above for link to printable document) or just read below.


What makes this college distinctive?

What would you say are the three distinctive examples that could be used to define the ethos or spirit of your campus?


If I am applying for Economics/English/Psychology etc... after I get my scores and I need to confirm or discuss who should I contact. (Get name, email, and phone number)

Paying for School

What are some lesser-known scholarship opportunities that you wish more students would apply for?

Where on the need blind or need aware spectrum do you fall?

Do you have financial aid/scholarship opportunities for international students?

What is the schools policy on loans and student debt?


How would you characterize the majority of students? What are the students like?

From what economic, geographic background are the majority of students?

Are there clubs, activities, or housing that are international student related? What kind of supports do you have in place for international students?

Does a student need to be an international student applicant in order to access those programs or could I qualify for the program even though I am a resident/citizen applicant but applying from an internationally based high school?

What do students like most about the college? Like least?

What role do the student government hold on campus and can you give me an example of a real contribution the student government has made to the school?

How do you get into student government?

What political, social, or academic issues concerned students last year?

How did the administration react? What was the resolution?

Social life and campus activities

What do students do for fun?

What is the role of fraternities and sororities on campus?

If I didn’t want to join, could I have a satisfactory social life?

What are the dominant social groups on campus?

Do the groups get along with one another?

Have there been any problems?

What role do team sports play in the social life of the college?

What happens on football or basketball weekends? If I didn’t want to join in, would I find kindred spirits?

How to academics, social life, and extracurricular activities balance out at the school?

What were the social or cultural highlights last year?

What is the role of the campus newspaper?

Is there an alcohol problem and, if so, how is the college handling it? What is the incidence of binge drinking?

Do students feel safe on campus?

Campus Facilities Housing and Dining

Is there guaranteed housing for first year/international first year students?

Is there something I should know about housing that would help me in my choice? — What are the types of food plans? All you can eat? Vegetarian? Kosher?

Activity Centers and Athletic and Recreational Facilities

What kinds of facilities does the student center have? Is it a magnet for student activities? Are there other hangouts?

Do you think the college pays attention to its appearance?

How would you rate the fitness center? Health, career counseling, special student services, and security

Is there a doctor, nurse, psychologist, or career counselor on campus? What is the waiting period for appointments?

Is the office for special services adequate to the demand?

How good is the security on campus? Library

What have been students’ experiences with the library? Have there been complaints?

Is the library well equipped with computers and copy machines?

The Community Off Campus

What is there to do in town? How would I get there?

How friendly is the community to the student population?

What opportunities are their for students to have experiences in the wider community?

Volunteering? Internships? Co-Ops?

Are students encouraged to travel and study abroad?


Is it better to apply to get into a particular major/faculty when I first apply?

Are there specific criteria to get into specific majors/faculties as different from the general admissions requirements?

Are there any admissions requirements outside of the standard application?

I am coming from an English Curriculum school (State if your English is A or B) do I need to take an English language exam for admission?

Academics and Faculty

What is distinctive about education here?

What is the educational philosophy of the college? Has it changed much in recent years?

What is the most popular major on campus? Why?

Do you think that students are generally enthusiastic about their classes? Do people talk about their courses outside of class?

How would you characterize the academic pressure and workload?

Are there research possibilities for undergraduate students with the faculty? In what areas?

What type of advisory/advising system is in place at your school? Who will help me choose classes, majors, teachers, etc….

If I was to walk in to the average freshman class what would lit look like? What type of room would it be in? How many students would be in the room? Is the teacher a professor or a Graduate Student?

What is the quality of student and faculty relationships?

Is the faculty interested in and accessible to students after class?

Do faculty members participate in student activities?

Are curriculum changes in the works? How will that affect my college years?

Are any departments being cut back or discontinued? If so, why?

Are any new programs scheduled for the next four years?

Additional Question Resources