Exploring Your Strengths

Academic Progress

How might you use one of your strengths to support an area of challenge? Can you connect that to one of the ATL skills you are working on? How does using a strength as a tool for success transform how you approach your ATL? How might this change how you approach an area of challenge?

Using one of your strengths how might you support your ATL and smart goals for the next few weeks. What might that look like?

Reflect on this on your TAO My Site

["Best Application for Studying]"


On your Bridge U it links your strengths to career areas where it is common to find people with the same strengths. Use the research tools there and read up on a few careers that catch your eye.

Additional Research tools:

Career Information Resources: Step 1

US Based - Career One Stop, The Occupational Outlook Handbook

UK Based - National Careers Service


Career Clusters

In a group research a Career Cluster:

  1. What are some of the careers in this area?
  2. What are some of the strengths you might need to be in that area/what are somethings you could try right now to strengthen this area for yourself?
  3. What are some interesting facts about what you learned.

Put these on a poster and share with your class!


Works Cited:

“Best Application for Studying.” Educational App Store, 13 Feb. 2019, https://www.educationalappstore.com/blog/best-application-studying/.

“Strengths and Weakness on Scales.” Novoresume, https://novoresume.com/career-blog/what-are-your-strengths-and-weaknesses-interview-questions.

“Top-View-Graphic Designer Working with Graphic Tablet Laptop.” FreePix, https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/top-view-graphic-designer-working-with-graphic-tablet-laptop_1200008.htm.