Letters of Recommendation for Summer Programs

Please note that as with all letters of recommendation from TISA, the policy is that Letters of Recommendation are confidential and need to be sent directly from TISA to the receiving institution.

We also ask that these requests be made a minimum of a month before the application deadlines.

Please follow these steps to make this request:

  1. Read the application carefully and provide for the person you are going to ask to write you a letter the following information:

  • Date of application Deadline

  • Date you want to send your application by

  • Description of the program and what the program is looking for in the students they accept

  • Why you want to do this program and how you think this program is both well suited to you and how it will help you in the future.

  1. Go find that teacher in person and make the request (Please do not email) and provide the teacher/person the documents from step 1 and spend some time talking to them about the program and the information you are handing them.

  1. If they say yes, please go onto your Bridge U account and make a digital request for a letter of recommendation:

      • In your Bridge U Account (It can be found linked to Manage Bac if you do not remember how to access it directly) look for the Recommendation tab on the left hand side.

      • Once in there press the My Progress button as can be seen in the image below, then "Create a New Recommendation Request", and add your recommenders email.

  2. Follow up with the teacher in a few days and see if they have any questions.

  1. Please follow up with your School Counselor to make the request that this Letter gets sent, and let them know where you want it sent, or that the teacher will be sending it directly via an application digital link.