UK Type

The Focused Statement:

Academic Preparation for the Chosen Course

TISA personal statement workshop.pptx

 Before you get started please spend some time filling out the Brag Sheet. 

Here is a the slide deck from the Warwick presentation and Video from Trent Nottingham University about writing the UK personal statement that you might find helpful. 

Step 1.  Research all 5 Programs you are applying to and make a chart

Look at the modules-- what is the content/themes covered

  How is the content taught? 

  Key words from programs

  Opportunities for travel/work/ etc...

Step 2. Look for common threads across all 5 schools, with more weight if needed going to top choices-but careful as if you mention things that a school does not offer they may not look at you Eg: I want to study International Law, when course only offers EU or UK law a Uni knows that they are not your first choice and may pass you by accordingly. 

Step 3. What are three things that you want a University to know about you and what experiences do you have to show these things!  

Do not assume that Universities make the connection between an experience and the major, you need to be specific and show what you learned or gained from an experience!  Tell them how that connects to the major.  

These experiences can also be books that you have read, Ted Talks that you watched, Mooks or other classes that you have taken.  All of this counts!   

Step 4. Write Draft 

Step 5.  Take out all quotes and cliché  or commonly used statements.

Imperial, LSE UCK Kings and SOAS expressed their "Bug Bear"'s or things that turn them off when reading an essay: 

Step 6. Read out loud and look for rhythm and flow to writing.  Rewrite for the reader and keeping them engaged in your story.

Step 7. Share with others and ask for assistance

Step 8.  Repeat until satisfied. 

Suggestions on how to write a Personal Statement from Warwick University, UCAS Page on Writing your Personal Statement, Personal statements for Oxford and Cambridge and The Student Room offers a personal statement tool along with exemplars and step-by-step help.  Oxbridge also has a blog with good suggestions on quality personal statements.