Work to Qualification Possibilities

US Apprenticeship Finder

US Registered Apprentiship Program

UK Apprentiship to Qualification

Universities with Employer integration:  There are lots of programs where companies work with the Universitie students giving them actual "brief" or problems to solve during a class.  Here are a few programs that focus on this type of learning: 

TEDI- Engineering- Students work in small groups from their very first task to respond to briefs presented by an employer. 

London Interdisciplinary School: Students work on a global issue, often given to them by an employer, and use the lens of the topics they are studying to make proposals about how to resolve/address the issue and or meet the brief.  

University of Southern Denmark: After completion of a Masters Degree they guarentee a job for your first 6 months at a minimum of 5000 Euro per month salary-- this is a real job- not an internship.  

Co-Opp Programs, Year in Industry, Sandwich:  In these programs you have a year out to do work.  Most often, this work is paid and supported by both a person at the company and at the University , and it is an actual job-- not an internship. You have a job description and a job to do.  Often if the employer is happy with your work they will keep you on after you earn your degree.  

Canada Co-Opp

UK Placement Year: Sandwich or Year in Industry

Co-Opp in the US

Hotel Managment Programs: Many of the hotel management programs have some type of Study while you work.   In some you live in the hotel and the students are the staff.  In some you study for a few months and then you work for a few months and then back to study for a few months.