Connecting to M5 Personal Project

What are skills?

1.What are skills:

Take a second to think about skills through the lens of the ATLs-- ATL’s are often skill based.

Can you name some?

  • Organizing your work

  • Researching a problem or solutions

  • Being persistent in completing tasks

  • Getting others to help with your task (Team building/leadership)

  • Developing steps to solve a problem

2. How are these related to my Personal Project?

Synaryo: Let's say that my Personal Project is to learn how to make my own clothes.

Jot down some ideas on a piece of paper:

  1. Take a moment and think quietly about what that might look like? What problems might arise? How might you solve them?

  1. What skills might be helpful in this process?

Write down your ideas here:

Do you have and idea of what you might do for your personal project?

What skills might you need when working on this? Write your thoughts below...

but If you are stuck try the next the next exercise and then come back to answer this one.

If we go back to "Making our own Clothing" as a Sample Personal Project-- What might be some of the things that you would need to think about? What questions might you need to answer?

Let's think about possible products? How about a fashion show to show off what you have made? What would you need to do to arrange for a place and time to hold your show? What skills might you need to do this? Brainstorm below:

  1. How might you help yourself to develop skills?

Syenearo: Let's say you need to call someone on the phone and ask them to work with you? (Perhaps to book a venue, or make sure that the lights and set up is how you want it for your fashion show?)

Call a stranger on a phone and ask them to work with you--

a. List Skills you might need to do this well?

b. How might you go about learning how to do this well?

c. Who or what resource might you be able to ask for help/get help from?

Take this thought process back to a project that you are thinking about in question 2?

Break one idea down below:

From a project that you are thinking what is a challenge that you foresee?

a. List Skills you might need to do this well?

b. How might you go about learning how to do this well?

c. Who or what resource might you be able to ask for help/get help from?

Now lets connect this back at something you started last year in Bridge U

Last year you started to fill out your Strategy Factors: building your high school/secondary resume

If you remember the strategy factors are:

🌱 Formative experience/background: an experience or challenge in your life that has shaped who you are today should be expressed in your application. Communicating something unique or unusual about your background, personal history or family can give you an advantage by distinguishing you from other applicants.

💭 Critical thinking: the ability to analyse and evaluate complex issues objectively.

🏡 Subject interest outside classroom: evidence of extensive reading around subject and/or involvement in subject-related activities.

🔭 Formative interest in subject: significant experiences that led to your subject choice.

🥇 Out of school qualifications or credentials: any qualifications or achievements outside of the traditional curriculum scope (e.g.: music grades, Duke of Edinburgh).

📚 Diligence: evidence of meeting difficult targets and being diligent with study, in and outside of the classroom.

🎻 Extra-curricular activities & work experience: the admissions committee want to see both depth (that you’ve been committed to your activities for a while) and versatility (that you’ve tried lots of different things) in the out-of-school involvements and experiences that you list.

🌟 X-Factor: What specifically makes you stand out? Why are you a unique and interesting candidate for the university to consider?

🎯 Career goals: explain how you would like to use the subject(s) you are applying for to help you reach your goal.

💡 Entrepreneurial spirit: doing things to demonstrate an ability to put your ideas into action, and to achieve something noteworthy from that action.

🏆 Leadership: demonstrating that you have served as the leader (captain, president, chair, head, etc) of an activity or organization shows that you have the strength of character and determination to continue to lead groups of people in the future.

🏀 Teamwork: it is important to highlight experiences when you have worked as part of a team or united with others to solve a problem, or reach a group goal.

🌍 Global perspective: showing an in-depth understanding of other nationalities and cultures shows a level of maturity and international awareness.

💪 Resilience: experiences or stories that demonstrate you’ve had challenging life experiences and overcome them, although perhaps the journey of overcoming or recovering was a struggle, which you learned from.

👷 Community service: demonstrating that you have given back to your community, through community service or volunteering, helps the admissions committee see you as someone who cares about the welfare of others.

How are these related to the skills that you have been talking about?

How do you see these reflecting in a personal project?