About TISA

And our Career Curriculum University Applications Support Program

The International School of Azerbaijan works with students from M1 to DP2 to support students understanding themselves through a growth mindset, and encourage the use of the word "yet". We work to give students opportunities to develop and assess their leadership and voice in their own learning and well-being.

TAO is the TISA pastoral program and student meet every day of the week to engage and be connected to themselves and the greater community working on various aspects of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), including our Keeping Kids Safe Curriculum, opportunities to assess themselves as a learner and figure out ways to apply that new perspective, assess their strengths, their interests, and building connections between what they are learning about themselves and how they can connect this to the community around them at school, in Azerbaijan and in the wider world.

In M4 the program has a more focused component using interest inventories and initial career and self exploration to recognize the connections between who students are and what they might be thinking is a future area of interest for career or study. This includes looking at developing ideas for the M5 personal project.

In M5 students are encouraged to engage in their final MYP projects tying those pieces together, and in choosing the subjects they want to study for the DP program. We ask students to engage in informational interviewing and talking to real people who are doing the jobs/career areas that they are interested in.

In the first semester of DP1 they begin the University search in earnest and by the second semester of DP1 we start working on the application process.

In the first semester of DP2 TISA students work on their University Applications, with all applications due before they head off for the winter break (around the 15th of December), and in the Second Semester students are supported as they wait for University decisions and next steps. This support continues through the summer as they get the final IB results in July and then move forward with the final decisions from the Universities.

This website mostly supports the M4-DP2 part of the process focused on the career and university search and application process. Below are two red buttons that will take you to the TISA Application Policy or direct to the first step in the process.

We hope that you enjoy this journey of learning and exploration!