There are a lot of Universities and programs in this part of the world, and each of them has their own application and application processes.  So you need to be diligent and make sure that you have the correct information for each school. On this page I am going to focus on Universities that have programs in English like KU Leuven out of Belgium. (Excluding Netherlands, and Germany as they have their own pages).  Some of the programs have a US style education (Tree) with more liberal arts roots like the American University of ParisFranklin College in Switzerland, American College of Greece, or John Cabot University in Rome.  Some have more of a focused program more traditional to Europe (Ladder) like IE University in Spain, Bacconi or Ca-Foscari in Italy, or the Czech Technical University in Prague.  

Please note that these are just a few of the options available, that have study programs in English. Please use the following search Engines to get started, but your School Counselor is also an important resource for helping you find programs that are truly all in English.  

Some Important things to keep in Mind: 


Please make sure that you understand where the University and Program are accredited.  There are programs in that do not have any formally recognized accreditation.  Accredited programs enable: 

While this is not always true in every case, a non-accredited University and or Program may have a negative impact on your ability to do the above 6 things.  


If you are in a career field that needs a licensure to work like Nursing, Teaching, Lawyer, Doctor, Psychologist, etc... you will need to pay attention to licensure requirements where you want to work.  Most degrees meet the licensure or are enabling progress towards licensure in the region that they are in, so in this case the EU.  If you wanting to go "home" to a place outside of the EU after graduation, you want to make sure that your degree is either meeting the licensure requirements of where you want to work and is transferable.  You should also be aware of  additional steps that you may need to take to finalize this process.  

Dates of applications: 

Some Countries like Italy or Ireland for Irish and EU Citizens, do not open their State University applications until the Summer after you graduate.  This may mean applying after you have already had to make decisions about other University opportunities, and in some cases pay non-refundable money to secure other spots.  (Please be careful: The money is non-refundable and you are dancing an ethical line holding a spot that might enable someone else to attend).  With the later responses this also increases challenges of getting both Student VISA's, and Housing.  

Dates of Reply and expected answer:

Yes!  You have been accepted, but you need to confirm your spot now inorder to hold on to this offer."  Some Universities expect you to give them an answer with relatively short notice, like two weeks, after you have been told that you have been accepted. Some Universities, you can call and negotiate a longer period until you have heard from your other applications, but some will not budge.  If they will not budge you may have the opportunity to tell them no, and then reapply at a later date but it is better to wait to turn in those applications if possible.  (Please talk to Ms. Borgerding if that date is after December 15th)  Please research this information carefully before you apply.  The best thing to do if you are not finding that information on their web page is to ask the University representative how much time you will have to respond after you receive notification of an offer.  

Type/Name of Degree: 

Many countries have degrees that show different levels of experience and education.  There are more practical degrees as an example that may be called a Certification or an Associates Degree, or something else.  There are also Bachelors Degrees, called BA (Bachelors of Arts-or the Art of doing something) or BS (Bachelors of Science- or the Research of something).  Different levels of degree will enable you to do different jobs in Different places.