Importance of Payroll in a School

Exhibited by:

PLO Attended:

  • Vision Screening Training

Coached by:

  • Sharon Boonshoft

Responsibilities of a Payroll Secretary

A payroll secretary is essential in many ways, not only because one needs to get paid on time but because we are the time keepers. We are the ones who log in time used, not used, and correct any errors with regards to time out of your accrued balance.

Description of the Exhibit

My presentation will have various sections that are essential and very important to a payroll secretary. As an example I will have the various calendars which show the dates one needs to have payroll completed and approved in order to make sure your staff is paid on time. I will be demonstrating key points such as the bulletin board, the EIS screen, and B cycle which is our hourly paid staff. I chose these key points because in the beginning of my payroll secretary career I often forgot to complete payroll for the hourly staff on time.

Impact of PLO Learnings

After attending numerous PLO learnings at the Manhattan Field Support office I began to understand why their pay is very important. They are the team that receives the least amount of pay, are paid hourly and the system does not pay them automatically. I learned to keep track of the calendars and to make sure I read the reminders in the EIS screen. I appreciate the various trainings at the MFSC in the last year as it has allowed me to know and understand different parts of my job as a payroll secretary. I have observed over time that I no longer forget to complete payroll on time, and that my team has not had the need to receive emergency checks due to my entering their payroll late.

Next Steps

I will continue to follow the systems I have in place such as my trusty calendar to make sure payroll continues to run smoothly. I hope that being able to demonstrate some of the highlights of payroll on this board will demonstrate the importance of payroll and how having a team at the MFSC office for support is vital to every school.