Ruben Brosbe

Exhibited by Ruben: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work! Usage of 6 Co-Teaching Models

Position/Title: 5th Grade General Education Teacher

Name of School: P.S. 194M

DBN: 05M194 Superintendent: Danika Rux

Personal Statement: I am a 5th grade teacher at PS 194M and have been working in NYC schools since 2007. I have striven to develop a pedagogy that centers student experiences and voices, and dismantle systems of oppression inside the classroom and beyond it. This year, I implemented more culturally relevant practices and taught students to ask and pursue their own questions related to each unit of study. My co-teacher, Ms. Maxy, and I recently celebrated the end of an integrated ELA/social studies unit on the history of race and racism by bringing nine students to present at the Teaching Social Activism conference at the Museum of the City of New York.

Ages/Grades of students: 10- 11 Years Old/ 5th Grade

Number of years in school: 2

Years in education: 11