Our Datawise Journey Towards Improving Student Outcomes in Reading

Exhibited by:

PLO Attended:

  • Utilizing Data to Improve Student Outcomes

Coached by:

  • Marissa Schoenfeld


  • To better utilize data to drive instruction through the Data Wise Improvement Process.
  • To analyze multiple sources of student data in order to identify areas of student need and to adjust teaching practice so that it better addresses those needs.
  • To encourage other teachers to engage in professional learning that is data drive and further builds a school culture of inquiry, trust and continuous improvement.


We learned about the Data Wise Improvement Process, an eight-step model that guides teams of educators working collaboratively to improve teaching and learning through evidence-based analysis. The steps occur in three phases. The “Prepare” phase involves creating and maintaining a culture in which staff members can collaborate effectively and use data responsibly. In the “Inquire” phase, educators use a wide range of data sources, including test data, student work, and classroom observations, so that they can define a very specific problem of practice that they are committed to solving. In the “Act” phase, teams articulate how they will learn and employ high-leverage strategies to address their problem, and how they will assess the extent to which the plan improved outcomes they care about. After educators assess the effectiveness of their actions, they can both identify needed adjustments to their plan and determine the focus for the next cycle of collaborative inquiry.


We looked at student data along with student work samples and teacher lesson plans. From this information and colleague’s feedback, we were able to identify through the Data Wise Improvement process a learner-centered problem and a problem of practice. In examining the data sources and looking at the problem of practice and learner-centered problem, we decided that using shared writing in the second and third classroom could improve student reading response outcomes. We implemented a six-week action plan in which we used shared writing along with a reading response rubric to provide specific feedback to students support them in using text evidence. In monitoring our action plan, and examining data throughout the implementation of the action plan, it was evident that students made growth based on the rubric in comparison to the baseline assessment.


Continuing to share the Data Wise Process at PS3

  • We are currently, implementing the action plan, assessing student learning, adjusting the action plan to fit the needs of our students, and sharing our work and reflections with our colleagues.
  • We were able to create a professional learning opportunity within our school for all of the teachers in 2/3 grade.
  • Emily turn-keyed the information gained from participating in this Data Wise PLO into a three part learning experience for the 2/3 teachers. Teams focused on utilizing student data to drive instruction, creating an action plan to address a problem of practice, and then assessing this process with regards to student impact.
PL Expo 2.0 One-pagers Emily Fox.doc