Balfron Matters

30 August 2021

Weekly communication for staff

Dear colleagues,

We have quickly settled into the routines of the school day and timetable. Thanks for your contribution to ensuring the school runs smoothly.

Safety protocols seem to be working well, with distancing for staff, face coverings, sanitising procedures and enhanced cleaning from Bellrock. Please let us know if you require any resource or support with this or indeed if you have any concerns. We want to make sure everyone feels safe.

We have five CO2 monitors and have begun to check levels in rooms across the school. Every room will be checked between now and the October holiday as per government guidelines. We have prioritised those rooms without windows for monitoring first and then will work our way systematically through the building. Please continue to keep your windows and doors open throughout the day.

Last session, some staff, parents and pupils met with Education Scotland Inspectors as part of the ASN Resource consultation. A report has been shared following the consultation. The report concludes that 'option 1' has most benefits. This refers to the resource being incorporated into our campus. I have created a folder in the Staff Google Drive for related reports and admin. A link to the final report is on the right.

Finally, a massive thanks to PTs, Phil and Claire for pulling together the information required for SQA Appeals. These have all now been submitted.

With thanks and best wishes to you all,


04 Stirling Council - School Consultation - Expansion of ASN provision - Publication - Final report (1).pdf

This week at Balfron High:

Team meetings & Pupil Council

Parents Meetings 2021-22

Following Amanda's email, we are planning for on-line parents' meetings until further notice. This will change when it is confirmed that we are able to invite large groups back into school. S1 Form Class Leader interviews will be organised on-line.

Cost of School Day - end of charges for all pupils

The government has committed to ensuring that there are no core costs that pupils need to pay to access learning.

This mainly affects practical subjects like HE and Tech. where young people pay a few pounds up front to take a product away with them. We are waiting for guidance on how these costs will be re-couped.

It also affects travel costs for college or trips that have to take place to meet the requirements of the course.

Extra experiences or enhancements are not covered. However we must be mindful and supportive of our pupils who have been identified through the Equity Team. These pupils willbe supported to access activities. By definition, these pupils often avoid extra activities and we would want to encourage them.

Re-establishing School Culture with learner voice

Pupil Council will run as follows on Friday 3 September in the atrium. It will be led by the head Prefect responsibile for leading pupil voice with that yeargroup.:

S1 Ben Cunningham Friday Period 2 S2 Sanshika Bhardwaj Friday Period 6

S2 Millie Shaw Friday Period 3 S4 Tom Duncan Friday Period 1

S5 Katie Henderson Thursday Period 6 S6 Robbie Coombes Friday Period 4

The Agenda for the meeting:

  1. Settling in (S1 only)

  2. Return to school experience

  3. Safety in school (COVID mitigations)

  4. improvements/suggestions

Congratulations to the new House Captains 2021-22

Campsie House Endrick House Lomond House

Louise Carroll Romeo Iervasi Liam Dunnion

Mavia Duncan Lauren Muir Megan Davies

Lili-Belle Mohaupt Taylor Seaton Morvern MacColl

James Warwick Izzy O'Keefe Eilidh McCafferty

Valencia Wright Anna Milne

Adam Smith

Extra-Curricular Programme 2021-22

Our extra-curricular Programme 2021-22 is on the left.

Huge thanks to staff for offering and delivering these for young people.

If there is something that you could add, please let Neil Macquarrie know.

Please share with young people and encourage participation.

CLPL Corner

Here is a link to the books that have been purchased for staff use. Professional Reading List

They are in the library and can be used for reference or borrowed t any time. Titles cover topics including curriculum, pedagogy, leadership, coaching and more. Thanks to Michelle for helping with suggestions - more welcome!

Michelle has also put together a helpful overview of resources in the staff Google Drive. Feel free to access, review and add to these Balfron CLPL

This week's suggested podcast is an interview with Shirley Clarke. and can be accessed through the link on the right. We know how important formative assessments is. This is a fantastic and helpful reminder.

Early Career Teachers - Are you in the first four years post probation?

This may be for you:

This session Stepping Stones has a variety of exciting professional learning opportunities and support for early career teachers. The diverse programme offers a range of options which they can select and shape into their own professional learning pathway, aligning this with their areas for development. The links below provide an overview of the offer and the Eventbrite to register for the information session on 1st September, 16:30-17:30.

Register for the Stepping Stones information session, 01/09/21 16:30-17:30, here.

Final Call..... Have you completed the mandatory training?

Here are the links:

Child Protection

Public Protection is Everyone’s Responsibility

Introduction to Adult Protection


S:\_Shared\_Annual Information 2021-2022\Fire Procedures & PEEP's, read doc called _Fire Safety Procedures August 2021 , then complete

ALAMA Tool for COVID Vulnerability

Please confirm with Jennifer that you have completed this.

Data Protection

S:\_Shared\_Annual Information 2021-2022\Data Protection\Mandatory Training Information then

National E-learning Offer 21-22

Here is a link to the National e-learning offer. These resources may support your curriculum offer or may be helpful for revision.

NeLO 21-22

School Priorities 21-22

*Learning, Teaching & Assessment

*Recovery - Rebuilding our school culture

  • Human Connection is at our very core

  • Clear expectations and simple routines for young people are paramount

  • Investment in meaningful CLPL discussion about effective learning for staff



PTs L&T are meeting with SLT to review and create the improvement plan on Monday 6 September. We will use Stirling Council priorotes in addition to our own and feedback from the survey to agree some actions. Thanks to those of you who have given your throughts.

Supervision Rota 21-22

Supervision Rota 21-22

Many thanks to those of you who offered time to help with supervision. It is particularly helpful at the S1-3 interval and lunchtimes.

If you can give some time and have not yet got round to it, let me know. It would be much appreciated and help maintain good order on campus. You will be offered a lunch or snack on the day that you help out.

If you do not have time to commit but occassionally could pop out, particularly if the weather is good, please come and join us. It's always great to have good company.

Paralympic Success for Balfron FPs in Tokyo

It was fantastic to see former pupils successfully compete in the recent paralympic games.

Lewis Stewart piloted visually impaired James Ball to a silver medal in his paralmpic debut. Lewis is an accomplished GB team cyclist in his own right. You can read his profile here

Melanie Woods achieved two perosnal bests in the T54 800m heat and final. She came 4th in her first paralmpic final. Mel is fairly new to para sport. In January 2018 whilst cycling on a country road, she was hit by a car that failed to see her. The collision resulted in a number of injuries but the most significant was the trauma to her spinal cord resulting in paralysis from the waist down More on

Calendar 2021-22

wb 30 August Team Meetings

6 September Leadership Team Meeting

7 September Parent Council, 7pm

wb 13 September Team Meetings

wb 27 September Team Meetings

S2 Tracking

S1 Form Class Leader interviews (online)

wb 4 October S4/5/6 Tracking (first unit)

S1 Form Class Leader interviews (online)

7 October S3 Parents' Meeting

Calendar 2021-22

18 October Return to school

20 October S4 Parents' Night

wb 26 October Team Meetings

28 October Leadership Team Meeting

wb 8 November Team Meetings

1 November S5/6 Parents Meeting

16 November S1 Parents' Meeting

wb 22 November Team Meetings

2 December Leadership Team Meeting

8 December S2 Parents' Meeting

wb 13 December Team Meetings

wb 20 December S4/5/6 Tracking (2nd unit)

21 December School closes for holiday

Useful Links

Extra-Curricular Programme 2021-22

2021-22 school holidays

S:\_Shared\_Weekly Info\Staff Cover\2021-2022