Balfron Matters 

Monday 20 May 2024

 Weekly communication for staff 

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the smooth running of trips, both home and away, last week.  I appreciate that it is a big responsibility with loads of organisation. The photos show that amazing opportunities were offered which will no doubt be remembered for life.  As well as learning some new skills, our young people will have developed positive relationships with peers and teachers.  The value of these opportunities is not in doubt.  Please share your view by clicking the link.  The question is, should we develop this into an Activities Week for 2025? 

The link between pedagogy and attainment

Continuous improvement of pedagogy is a key part of our Raising Attainment Strategy.  

"It's the commitment we make as teachers to never stop learning that

will build good habits, develop great teachers and ultimately move the

lives of the young people in our care forward.  Every teacher needs to 

improve, not because they are not good enough, but because they can 

be even better."   Dylan Wiliam

On Thursday after school, we share our feedback from Tri-Learning visits.  It is a key part of the Balfron ethos, reflecting our shared views with the great Dylan Wiliam. We will meet in the Strathendrick Suite, where cake will, of course, be waiting for you!

I have shared two short videos from the two Open Doors days completed to date.  I must remember to take more photos - I'm not sure these do the visits justice.  It is really helpful to be able to use these visits as part of a moderation process.  The visiting and receiving PTs and I discuss the observations relative to the QI, 2.3 and our own L&T Toolkit.  This is a busy week for Open Doors.  I am really looking forward to visiting Maths, Expressive Arts and Health.  Thanks to everyone in advance for having us.

Have a look below at this weeks CLPL offers: Co-op Learning workshop, AI and Lunch n Learn which takes a look at how we can use practice sets in Google Classroom to power up formative assessment.

Behaviour Matters

Following discussion around how we better recognise and celebrate positive behaviour, Claire Appelquist is going to set up a working group to identify how we maximise this in a regular and efficient approach as possible.  If you haven't already, please do share your thoughts on what we might do to improve this: celebrating success ideas.

On that note Form Class Leaders, please do not forget to complete your Monday Merit checks. Please award all the pupils in your FC who did not receive a demerit last week a weekly cooperation merit.

The Last Word

To continue with our vocabulary focus, the upcoming word of the week is 'frivolous'. Pupils in English will be rewarded with merits when they use this in their spoken and written answers - it would be great if we can continue to push this throughout the school in our own contexts.

Thank you for your professionalism and commitment to Balfron High.  There is nothing frivolous about that 😉

Have a great week.


This week at Balfron High:

SQA Exams

Mon: Open Doors - Maths

Parent Vaping Session, 6.30pm


Tues: Open Doors Expressive Arts

N5, H & AH History

Wed: N5 Practical woodworking

Thurs: Open Doors - Health

N5 & H AH Chemistry

AI CLPL Session

Tri-Learning, 3.45pm

Fri: N5 & H ESOL

Last week at Balfron - Home & Away

Pics this week  include:

Please take photos and share with me directly or through Twitter (with pupils' permission).  Let's recognise and celebrate all the good stuff.  We will also share in the Parent Noticeboard. #wearebalfron

Ardeche May 2024 😎 👇

Weekly inhouse CLPL

Coop Learning Workshop

Tuesday Period 1&2

Introduction to Practice Sets in Google Classroom

Lunch n Learn

Wednesday C8

AI in the classroom

Thursday Period 2 

Last week at Lunch n Learn

vocabulary CLPL

Nicola explained the role of vocabularly and the challenges across the curriculum when literacy levels are behind

We all designed a vocabulary cube using a word from our specialsed areas

Quizzing each other - it was tricky trying to work out what the word was 

Join us, 

Wednesday lunchtimes, C8

Lunch N Learn 

May 2024

A new series of CLPL inputs around the use of literacy and vocabulary in our classrooms to boost attainment.

Presented by Nicola

 CLPL opportunities

With exam leave started we tend to turn our attentions to development work and professional develoment of our own interest.

 Have a look below at the CLPL opportunites available:

Lunch n Learn, Professional Reading Library, Education Scotland  Learn , Walkthrus,  BHS Digital CLPL, Professional Book Club

Professional Reading Library - Strathendrick Suite

Scan the QR codes in the library to borrow a book

Digital CLPL  

 always available through the links below:

Education Scotland: Professional Learning Modules

Education Scotland : 

Professional learning modules

to work through at your own pace.

Digital Resource Library and Walkthurs

Find lots of links here to blogs, podcasts, research papers etc.

Walkthrus is a new digital resource we have subscribed to.

It is a rich resource full of structured routines for developing all aspects of Learning & Teaching - it can be used individually as well as full departments.

It's really excellent - click on the link to explore more.

Professional Book Club

We are reading:

Making every lesson count

There are lots of copies of this book in our school, come join us!

Powering up our seniors for successful studying

Quick links for form and class resourcing

National supported study, free offer to all learners.

Click here

E-sgoil senior learning spaces

Click here

BHS study technique clips

Click here

Teacher's Guide to the BHS Study Planner.webm

Teachers Guide to the BHS Study Planner - 3 min watch

Weekly Study Planner 2022

BHS senior study planner

e-sgoil weekly online supported study timetable

Our Priorities for improvement 2023-24

Improvement Plan 23-24 draft

One portal to hold all information

ERP MyPortal.pdf

Useful Links