Balfron Matters 

Monday 13 March 2023

 Weekly communication for staff 

Dear colleagues,

It's science week! Thanks to Michelle and the team for organising the Science Centre visits and other exciting activities.  As per her email, please encourage pupils to get involved (poster below).  S1 will be attending activities in the theatre on Monday, and S3 on Wednesday.

Congratulations to Katie MacDonald & Jasper Burnside, pictured above. They have made it through to the final of the prestigious Law Society of Scotland's Donald Dewar Debating Competition later this month.

Ethical Conduct Survey Results

We have a staff meeting in the collegiate calendar for this week (Wednesday). Please come to the Strathendrick Suite for 3.45pm start. Tea/coffee and cake will be available from 3.30pm.  I will be sharing the results of the Ethical Conduct Surveys and we will discuss how we can improve and support young people.

In the mean time, and in the absence of assemblies this week, on Monday morning, FCLs, please show this 4 minute video  recorded by Katie McDonald. Then follow this with small group or class discussion as you see fit on these points.  Your pupil council rep should take notes and feed these back on behalf of your class on Wednesday.  Meetings are in the Strathendrick Suite as follows:

Period 2 - S2 and S5

Period 3 - S3 and S6

Period 5 - S1 and S4

Thanks to Andrew, Neil, Scott and Matthew for leading a highly successful boys mental health day on Friday. There was some great informal feedback from pupils after the assemblies. Thanks also to Neil for sharing inofrmation in Apprenticeships last week.  It is important that all pathways are celebrated and encouraged with parity of esteem.

We had a really worthwhile and useful online session for parents on Tuesday.  The focus was on promoting wellbing in young people.  Organised by David Whiteford, it was delivered by our Educational Psychologist, Gwen Hobbs.  She focused on how to support wellbeing in the context of exams.  The session was recorded and I have shared link on the Parent Noticeboard. It is worth a watch.

Thanks to colleagues who responded giving suggestions on how we best deal with issues of vaping, vandalism and truanting in the toilets.  A common suggestion was to find a method of recording who is out of class.  This will allow us to gather information and see patterns. I will discuss this with Claire and consider options that would be easiest to implement. 

Finally, please do check out the 10 minute Pedagogy Power Up below.  It is full of great suggestions and reminders.

As always, thanks for all the important things that you are doing.  Have a great week.


This week at Balfron High:

Science Week

Mon: S1 Science Centre Visit (Theatre)

Tues: S3 Duke of Edinburgh Assembly (Strathendrick)

Wed: S3 Science Centre Visit (Theatre)

Pupil Council Meetings

Staff meeting, Strathendrick 


Fri: S2 Tracking Reports

CfE: Endrick 2 Health

Last week at Balfron

When people outside your walls know what you are doing, it gives value to those inside.

Photos from the last week include: S3 Engineering Science bridge building, Back Onside assembly, Early years workshop for sports leaders,  U18 Ruby sevens who got to the semi-finals of the High School of Glasgow tournament and Katie and Jasper after the successful semi-final win.

So much to celebrate.  Thanks everyone!

The Hayward Review - School Reflection Pack

Views are being saught on the proposed model, the Scottish Diploma of Achievement (SDA). This includes:

Please familiarise yourself with these proposals.  It is important that we reflect, respond, influence decisions and prepare for change. 


10 mins Pedagogy Power up

This Week:


Routines have always been thought to be integral to establishing excellent classroom management. The EEF state that learning routines support good behaviour and behaviour routines support good learning environments. While it doesn't solve all issues, it makes it less likely that issues will arise.

We set up routines for both instructional and behavioural activities, like how we might conduct ourselves in group work or how we might use mini white boards.

Consider the following for reflection:

(source: Making every lesson count, Teach like a champion)

Strong starts

Be around the door, welcoming in and directing activity 'hey, great to see you all, jackets off, starters on the boards'

Starter tasks that allow for independence gives us a chance to get register done etc.

Be explicit in how you want things done. 

How learners move around the classroom, how questions are to be answered

how practical equipment is gathered, how mini white boards are used, how homework is collected, 

how we listen and respond to each others ideas and suggestions. 

Demonstrate expectations and practice them:

Whatever your expectations are, be relentless about this, insisting on these standards every time.

How do we collect show me boards, textbooks, borrow a pencil, pass out worksheets - demonstrate it all!

Keep pace moving and challenge high  - play around with responsive questioning techniques to improve participation and demand on thinking. Cold call questioning techniques keep learners waiting to see what happens next

Expect attentiveness and make this clear in your instructions: 

'All eyes and ears on me now, thanks', 

'What does it look like to be scholarly - excellent - that's great to see!' 

'This class is working so hard, I'm proud of you'. 

Well done for getting right into that task Sarah, oh I see you too Steven, and Rachel, this is great' - other pupils follow to earn the praise.

Use Positive redirection:

'Zara, what questions are you supposed to be doing at the minute?'

'I can hear that football ball game has been exciting, I'd be keen for you tell me about your goal when we're packing up, but for now, let's concentrate on Q5  (remember to ask about the goal!)

'Keep listening at the back, you've been doing so well'

Be present in their learning space:

Interact with their work as you move round the class, check jotters, give constant feedback, encouragement and set your expectations high: This is a very powerful way to build strong relationships.

'That's a big improvement on last time, I can see your confidence has grown'

'Your work is always so organised, that's a great life skill as well as helpful for learning your notes'.

'You've got it! Can I show it under the visualiser - I want to show the details of your working'

'You've made a mistake that lots of other have also made - would you be comfortable if I used it as an example for us all to learn from?

'You work really well as a pair, I like that you always like push each other for those extra details when you share your thinking'.

Our learners notice if we are present and investing in them and are eager to interact with us for that praise and encouragement.

Refer to our the school values regularly:

Remind our learners that we are a community by using a shared language:

'When we move classrooms, we need to keep quiet, its important to us to be respectful of other classes busy learning.

'I am disappointed that you made a mess with your water bottle. However, I am pleased with your honesty owning up, I feel I might be able to trust you now in the future to take more responsibility for your actions. What do you think?'

Ok, let's start the quiz, now remember, we are being fair to our classmates when we give everyone thinking time and don't shout out.

There are lots of excellent, simple to use strategies for dealing with low level behaviour. 

By teachers for teachers.

Watch:  Tom Sherrington Ask more questions

Listen: Don't just describe a routine, justify it

Listen:  Jamie Thom Managing behaviour at the start of a lesson

 CLPL opportunities

In house CLPL

                                                                            ****Rescheduled date into next term****

Low level behaviour challenges: Mon 22nd March 3.45pm C8

In person E Bannatyne and C Appelquist: 

Sign up here

April Inservice

Moving information into Long Term Memory

External CLPL

BHS Professional Learning Notice board. 

Search. Click. Book

CLPL: Coaching other Teachers

One of the best  learning resources we have as teachers is each other.

Hopefully, you have fond memories of your mentoring sessions when you were a probationer - it's often commented that the same mentoring throughout our careers is an unfortunate gap in our profession.

But, we are all mentors, everyday. Not only does this enrich our lessons, departments and the future of the profession, it enriches our day to day mental health and wellbeing with positive relationships.

If you are thinking of developing your coaching skills,  Education Scotland are offering a wide range of coaching courses that you can sign up for. Use the QR codes to explore more.

Powering up our seniors for successful studying

Teacher's Guide to the BHS Study Planner.webm

Teachers Guide to the BHS Study Planner - 3 min watch

Weekly Study Planner 2022

BHS senior study planner

e-sgoil weekly online supported study timetable

Pupil Council Meetings

Here is the link to our school improvement plan.  It is a real, working document that will be updated and amended as we go through the session. Thanks to everyone for input.  If there is anything that you would like to add or ask, let me know. 

Improvement Plan - Balfron High School

One portal to hold all information

ERP MyPortal.pdf

 Calendar 2022-23

23 February S4 Parents meeting (online)

28 February Pupil Council

2 March Higher Modern Studies London trip

6 March D of Ed BAG Meeting, 7pm

7 March Parent Council meeting, 7pm

8 March S5/6 Parents Meeting (online)

10 March Non Unifrom Day (back on Side)

Boys Mental Health Day

13 March Climate Ready Classrooms (geography)

Science Week

15 March Pupil Council

16 March S3 Bronze D of Ed session, 7pm

22 March Insight visit (Lewis Paterson)

18 April Pupil Council

Collegiate Calendar 2022-23

Health & Wellbeing - Counselling for staff

Did you know counselling is available through Stirling Council?

Employee Counselling is available through our Occupational Health provider, People Asset Management (PAM)

There are a few ways employees can request Counselling. 

If you want some more information about counselling, what to expect or looking for self-help resources then please pop in and see Karin Figliolini or drop her an email.

Useful Links

BHS SIP & Recovery Plan 202-22.docx