Balfron Matters 

Monday 13 May 2024

 Weekly communication for staff 

Dear colleagues,

When I reflect on the previous week and consider the week ahead, I am left in no doubt that our young people have fantastic opportunities beyond the formal curriculum. This is down to you, the staff, who share your interests and passions with learners, inspiring them  broaden their horizons.  They get the chance to find their thing and grow as interesting young people.  The pictures in the 'last week at Balfron' section recognises and celebrates this.  

Behaviour Matters - Setting the tone

At the Pedagogy Festival, it was great to see the work of the Climate for Learning Working Group.  It is important that we build on the work done.  The group have suggested that we reinforce a common approach to managing behaviour across the school.  To help with consistency, they have created an input that can be delivered through assemblies and in your classes/teams at the start of every term.  Aspects can be amended to reflect your context.  There are explanatory notes on some of the slides.  Please review the Expectations slides and feedback on this Google Form by May 22nd.   We plan to implement the final version at the change of timetable in June.

 I have seen some great practice in our school while out doing Open Doors. In the classroom, routines matter.  Set the tone that will best support the behaviour you want. Here are the common features:

There is some excellent advice on the Walkthrus section of our L&T Website: Establish Your Expectations 

Linked to the Climate for Learning work, the mobile phone policy has been updated given feedback from all stakeholders.  Here is a link to Mobile Phone Policy v2.  To help, changes/additions are in green.  If you note any typos, errors, or have anything further for consideration, please let me know.  In the mean time, please do all that you can to ensure young people do not have a mobile phone out in class. This is part of our behaviour policy - again, lets contribute to the whole school ethos by getting behind the policy.

Pedagogy Matters

Following the success of the sessions delivered at the festival, I am pleased to let you know that we are offering a morning of Coop Learning (21 /22 May) and a morning of CLPL on AI (23 May).  Please scroll down for more detail and a link to the sign-up form. 

Literacy Matters

While we have a little more time, please do take a look at Nicola's Literacy Toolkit (below in the CLPL section). There has been fantastic feedback on the session that she ran.  the importance of literacy for effective learning cannot be underplayed.  The slides make clear why we all must take our responsibility to promote and develop literacy very seriously.

And finally, lets get behind the Languages team with this week's word - plethora.  There surely is a plethora of ways we can support that! 🫣

Have a great week.


This week at Balfron High:

SQA Exams

Mon: N5 Apps of Maths

H & AH Maths

Tues: S2 Science Centre Visit

Wed: N5 & AH Biology

H Human Biology

Vaping session for parent 630pm

Thurs: N5 & H Graphic Comm 

Fri: N5 & H Engineering Science

Behaviour Matters

I am enjoying a calmer school.  Thank you for your help with supervision & walks to the village.  

We have a new Campus Officer.  PC Ross Barclay joined us recently.  He should be in school at least once per week.  He will of course respond to time sensitive issues as they arise.  

We have bought two vape sensors to trial in the downstairs toilets. Due to internet access issues, it is taking a wee bit longer than hoped to get them up and running,  I'm glad to say that Phil is on the case!

It is important that we stay optimistic and looking for the positives.  Claire and I had a look at the merits and demerit data and found that around of third of the school have ZERO demerits.  I will share the data with you next week.  In the mean time, please start thinking of ways we could better recognise the positives.  We began this discussion at SLT last week and quickly realised there are many things we could do.  All ideas are welcome!  If something springs to mind, please add it to the Positive Behaviour Rewards - suggestions

_First Lesson Classroom Expectations

Classroom behaviour

We have a responsibility to support each other by adhering to the same standards and approaches as in the policy.

Inclusion Matters - Supporting our EAL pupils

Teacher Toolkit for EAL Pupils
Advice for New to English pupils

Last week at Balfron

Pics this week  include:

Please take photos and share with me directly or through Twitter (with pupils' permission).  Let's recognise and celebrate all the good stuff.  We will also share in the Parent Noticeboard. #wearebalfron

Voluntary CLPL  Offer

Co-Op Learning & AI

An exciting opportunity  to participate in voluntary CLPL will be available next week, through the sign up sheet. **Please put in cover where needed**

A morning of Co-operative Learning

Presented by:

Rachael, Fiona, Lesley, Claire, Elaine B, Michelle

Spend a double period delving  into the theory of what makes Co-Op Learning a successful way to promote active learning , thinking, social skills and  emphasise class routines.

*Refreshments will be provided*

Sign up for 

Tuesday 21 May Periods 1 & 2


Wednesday 22 May Periods 1 & 2


Presented by:  Dougie

We will provide an introduction to using some common AI tools, focusing on production of text and image output. We will also learn how to export content, save useful prompts for later use and utilise tools which speed up tasks e.g. generating quizzes. There will be opportunities for attendees to explore crafting their own prompts to complete a tasks of their choosing. Support provided. For more advanced attendees, it may simply serve as a time and space to share experiences and ideas with colleagues. 

Sign up for:

Thursday 23 May Period 2


Thursday 23 May Period 3

Lunch N Learn: Weekly inhouse CLPL

Current focus: 

Building a Vocabulary Classroom Toolkit

vocabulary CLPL

Vocabulary toolkit

Nicola has been helping us to build our toolkits for vocabulary building.

So far we have tried out:

Word cubes

Word photo album

Join us on Wednesday lunch for the next instalment

Nicola explained the role of vocabularly and the challenges across the curriculum when literacy levels are behind

We all designed a vocabulary cube using a word from our specialsed areas

Quizzing each other - it was tricky trying to work out what the word was 

Join us, 

Wednesday lunchtimes, C8

Lunch N Learn 

Wed 1 May

A new series of CLPL inputs around the use of literacy and vocabulary in our classrooms to boost attainment.

Presented by Nicola

 CLPL opportunities

With exam leave started we tend to turn our attentions to development work and professional develoment of our own interest.

 Have a look below at the CLPL opportunites available:

Lunch n Learn, Professional Reading Library, Education Scotland  Learn , Walkthrus,  BHS Digital CLPL, Professional Book Club

Professional Reading Library - Strathendrick Suite

Scan the QR codes in the library to borrow a book

Digital CLPL  

 always available through the links below:

Education Scotland: Professional Learning Modules

Education Scotland : 

Professional learning modules

to work through at your own pace.

Digital Resource Library and Walkthurs

Find lots of links here to blogs, podcasts, research papers etc.

Walkthrus is a new digital resource we have subscribed to.

It is a rich resource full of structured routines for developing all aspects of Learning & Teaching - it can be used individually as well as full departments.

It's really excellent - click on the link to explore more.

Professional Book Club

We are reading:

Making every lesson count

There are lots of copies of this book in our school, come join us!

Powering up our seniors for successful studying

Quick links for form and class resourcing

National supported study, free offer to all learners.

Click here

E-sgoil senior learning spaces

Click here

BHS study technique clips

Click here

Teacher's Guide to the BHS Study Planner.webm

Teachers Guide to the BHS Study Planner - 3 min watch

Weekly Study Planner 2022

BHS senior study planner

e-sgoil weekly online supported study timetable

Our Priorities for improvement 2023-24

Improvement Plan 23-24 draft

One portal to hold all information

ERP MyPortal.pdf

Useful Links