Balfron Matters

Monday 28 November 2022

Weekly communication for staff

Dear colleagues,

Another productive week is in the bag and there are only four left this term. Thanks to Phil, and Jennifer, for their work in finalising the prelim schedule and preparing the seat allocation for the exams. It is a massive task. Thanks to everyone for their contributions and flexibility in making it work. Our S4-6 will have study leave with the exception of young people who have less than 3 exams. In her DYW role, Elaine Johnstone is working on a programme for those pupils.

Please do keep nominating pupils and colleagues for a hot drink as part of Thankful Thursday. It is a really positive gesture that bring smiles to the faces of those nominated.

As you know, the S4-6 Tracking is due this week. To help avoid a long list of tabs, please remember to unhide your name on completion.

Thanks to Andrew Burns for picking up the Young Carers from Joanne Gannon. I am delighted to share that we have had confirmation of 'recognising' status in national 'We Care' Charter for schools.

As we approach Christmas, thanks to those of you who are able to help with dances and concerts. It is fantastic to have them back after the pandemic. I know that young people and their parents really appreciate it.

Also on the Christmas theme, please note that Strathendrick Baptist Church are setting up a reflection area in the Community Meeting Room from Monday 28 November until Friday 9th December. Please feel free to go along. It is also open until 8pm in the evening if you would prefer to go after school as well as the weekend of the 3rd&4th December. Young people are going to go along during their RME classes. During the fortnight there will be a member of the Church there at all times.

Many thanks for you hard work and professionalism,


This week at Balfron High:

Mon: S3 Assembly

Tues: S5/6 Assembly

Wed: S2 Assembly

Improvement Meeting

Leadership Team Meeting

Course Choice Evening

Thurs: S1 Assembly

Fri: S4 Assembly

CfE - Flexible Learning

S4-6 Tracking due

Achievement & Attainment Review

I have a meeting with colleagues from the council on Wednesday to feedback on the Insight local measures (2022) and our position this session so far and progress with the improvement plan. The notes that I have prepared are on the right.

Next steps

  • All course changes must go through the DHT (House) We want to ensure that course change is the last resort following interventions and discussions with all involved. Target is that all pupils gain 5 qualifications.

  • Keep a close eye on and support those pupils who are S4 doing fewer than 5 N4s and keep them in courses where appropriate.

  • I have booked Lewis to work with PTs pastoral and learning & teaching, in two separate sessions on 22nd March 2023.

Achievement & Attainment Meeting

Last week at Balfron

When people outside your walls know what you are doing, it gives value to those inside.

This week we have pictures of our S1 netballers from their match with Hermitage Academy, Bethan and Lily who placed 1st and 2nd in the senior solo category of the FV Dance competition, our dance competitors, Alexander, Rory, Cameron & Gregor who won the U18 league representing GRS Scholarships, our rugby players having fun supporting Scotland at Murrayfield last weekend, more great pictures from biology, science and chemistry lessons.

Thanks for the pictures - keep them coming!

Equity Matters

Our Young People

We have 52 pupils now receiving Free School Meal (FSM) entitlement. These pupils are supported by our Pupil Equity Funding (PEF). Please have a regular check of the list. It is particularly important that these pupils are considered when planning any trips or activities which have a cost. Please use the 'Equity Checklist' to guide planning regarding reflective questions to ensure we are fully supporting these young people.

PEF list & Checklist: FSM 22/23

Challenge Poverty Week - Impact Evaluation

Thank you to David, Kate and our amazing Higher Modern Studies pupils who delivered Challenge Poverty week assemblies and created the form class task. I have reviewed the data from our impact evaluation. Feedback was positive with over 54 percent of young people (who responded) indicating an increased understanding of issues relating to poverty and the rising cost of living. We also now have a team of over 15 pupils supporting project work relating to Cost of School Day as a consequence of the Challenge Poverty activities.

Challenge Poverty - Evaluation

Literacy - Targeted Interventions

Nicola has been busy supporting our PEF young people with targeted literacy interventions to develop reading confidence. A second group of pupils are now attending paired reading sessions at Drymen Primary, alongside our paired reading for our junior school pupils. Nicola is also developing approaches based on phonics research. Lots of exciting things to come for literacy.

Families First Support

We are currently trialling our Families First SMS text service to directly support our FSM families and reduce the impact of the Cost of School Day. This service allows families to access:

  • Balfron Larder (emergency essentials)

  • School uniform

  • Sportswear and 'Kit for All' funding

  • Support with applications such as Educational Maintenance Allowance & NEC Free Bus Pass scheme

Parents/carers are engaging well with the text service, and we will continue to reduce barriers to opportunity created by low income.

Coaching - 1 to 1 Senior Phase

1 to 1 Coaching support this year has been prioritised for senior phase pupils. Meetings will begin early in December in the build-up to prelims and SQA qualifications. Again, we aim to ensure that these pupils have access to opportunities, resources and equipment that will support their learning alongside the mentoring role promoting attainment.

Hampers 2022

The PEF team will be coordinating 20 Christmas Hampers again this year for targeted families. If you can, please donate to the hampers by Wednesday 14 December. A box for donations is located in the staff room. Here are a few suggestions for donations:

Hamper Wish List 2022

Thank you again to staff for your continued support.


Pupil Council Meetings

  • Tuesday 6 December

  • Wednesday 1 February

  • Tuesday 28 February

  • Wednesday 15 March

  • Tuesday 18 April

CLPL Corner

Powering up our seniors for successful studying

Continuing our theme of supporting senior revision, there are new resources for using study planners effectively.

Our S5 will be developing their weekly plans now on a Monday morning in form class time.

Please encourage your seniors to use their planners by engaging with them in class time:

'What are you studying this week?'

Teacher's Guide to the BHS Study Planner.webm

Teachers Guide to the BHS Study Planner - 3 min watch

Weekly Study Planner 2022

BHS senior study planner

Increasing Challenge

This week begins a series of CLPL around challenge. It starts with considering how we can develop our instruction techniques to ensure our classrooms are safe to fail. This excellent short clip gives 5 ways to build confidence in our learners and encourage their resilience.

Professional Learning Opportunities: In house CLPL

Join us for Edublethers, new ideas, old ideas and sharing good practice

Increasing challenge in classrooms that are safe to fail: interactive workshop

Strathendrick: Mon 28 Nov 3.45

Online: Tue 29 Nov 7pm

SQA Understanding Standards Events

SQA is running a series of subject-specific webinars and live events to support you with understanding the standards for assessment, in line with the published modifications to assessment for session 2022-23.

The events and webinars are free to join and can contribute to your Continued Professional Learning. CPL certificates will be available on our event booking system shortly after each webinar or event. Just follow this link or use the QR code on the left.

External Professional Learning Opportunties

Depression: Identifying and supporting Children and Young People - This FREE webinar covers an especially important topic, particularly following the pandemic, as children may struggle to articulate how they are feeling, and parents/teachers may not know how to approach the child.

We also have free webinars coming up on; School Avoidance, Self-Harm, Substance Misuse, Bereavement, and Social Media, to name a few.

Do please share with colleagues and take just 1 minute to register for our new session on Depression.

We hope you can join us online.

Keep safe and well.


National Discussion in Education -

The key principles underpinning the national discussion are that:

  • it is inclusive

  • it is in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) which states that children and young people should be at the heart of the process.

  • parents and carers are involved and meaningfully engaged in the process as outlined in the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006.

The discussion closes on 5th December, so I am keen that you all have the opportunity to contribute.

The Ten Open Questions:

The padlet below will help provide a vehicle for capturing views. Please do have a look through the responses from the three in school sessions so far.

You are welcome to add your views. It is my intention to submit these on 2 December.

BHS Assembly Programme Oct-Dec 22

Here is the link to our school improvement plan. It is a real, working document that will be updated and amended as we go through the session. Thanks to everyone for input. If there is anything that you would like to add or ask, let me know.

Improvement Plan - Balfron High School

Calendar 2022-23

30 November Course Choice information evening

1 December S4 Retrieval, Recall and Remembering

2 December S5 Retrieval, Recall and Remembering

5 December Rotary Young Musician of the Year

6 December Pupil Council

12 December EB, HMIe deployment (all week)

14 December S2 Parents Meeting

14-16 Dec N5 & Higher Music Practical Prelims

16 December Christmas Jumper Day

20 December Christmas Concert

1 February Pupil Council

28 February Pupil Council

15 March Pupil Council

18 April Pupil Council

Collegiate Calendar 2022-23

Health & Wellbeing - Counselling for staff

Did you know counselling is available through Stirling Council?

Employee Counselling is available through our Occupational Health provider, People Asset Management (PAM)

There are a few ways employees can request Counselling.

  • Stuart Shaw on

  • Contact

  • Call Ann at PAM on 0800 882 4102

If you want some more information about counselling, what to expect or looking for self-help resources then please pop in and see Karin Figliolini or drop her an email.

Useful Links

BHS SIP & Recovery Plan 202-22.docx