Balfron Matters

24 January 2022

Weekly communication for staff

Dear colleagues,

With only three weeks until half term, time continues to disappear at a pace. It has been great to see some of our extra-curricular pick up again since returning. Thanks for making the time for that. I know our young people and their parents really appreciate that.

As you know, we have extended study leave by two days. We hope this will help some young people catch up with missed exams and help keep us on track for reporting prelim results to parents. A protocol for reorganising exams can be found below.

As we tip into the second half of the session, it is time to review progress in our School and Team Recovery Plans. The school plan is being RAG rated - please do take a look Recovery Plan 2021-22 This will help sharpen our focus on tasks to be progressed and evaluated this term.

The S3 Parents' Meeting is after school today (Monday). The on-line meetings have allowed us to provide feedback efficiently. This cohort of parents will be thinking carefully about supporting their child's subject choices.

As you are knee deep in marking, this week's L&T focus is on giving feedback. I hope that you find it useful.

And finally, if you are an SQA marker or work for the SQA or anyone else beyond Stirling Council, please ensure that you complete and submit a secondary employment application. You can pick one up from Jennifer.

Here's to another positive week ahead.


This week at Balfron High School:

  • Prelims

  • Monday - S3 Parents' meeting

  • Tuesday P7 - LTA Group (C8)

Missed Prelim Exams - Protocol for Reorganisation


We need to start now organising pupils to come in for missed Prelims.

I have sent this to all staff, but the responsibility must sit with the PT unless delegated.

Contact should be made with home, by the PT (or delegate), ideally by phone.

Assuming that the candidate is no longer ill, they can be asked to come in any day next week.

The candidate would tell you when they still have planned exams and when they are available.

(I have attached the latest pupil prelim schedules to this email for easy reference and will update the ‘all details’ spreadsheet in the Google Drive)

You would give them their times and a location and email me, Amanda and Lynne McAllister the details.


The location 'should' be the games hall for all writing pupils (inc ET pupils) unless...

1. the pupil has a special arrangement requiring Sep Acc, (eg Reader/Scribe etc) you must agree the room and arrangement with Lynne first.

2. the pupil requires ICT - use C19 goldfish bowl (we can have a maximum of 6 in there on PCs, otherwise it will be A3)


By emailing me, Lynne and Amanda, the arrangement you have agreed with the pupil, I will liaise with Amanda where we need additional invigilators on Thursday/Friday.

A blanket approach might be simplest where you can assume that all times are covered in Games Hall & C19.

Go with this.

Invigilation of a separate accommodation arrangement needs to be confirmed with Lynne McAllister.

Phil Slavin

Buchanan Primary School Consultation Report

On 8 June 2021, Stirling Council Children and Young People Committee agreed to a formal consultation on the proposal to consider the permanent closure of Buchanan Primary School under the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010.

Following the consultation period from 15 September 2021 to 10 November 2021, a Consultation Report has been published today, 20 January 2022.

The Consultation Report is accessible at Engage Stirling. Paper copies will also be available from the School Office at Drymen Primary School, Killearn Primary School, Balfron Primary School, Croftamie Nursery, Balfron High School and at Drymen Library.

The Consultation Report will be considered by Stirling Council Children and Young People Committee on 24 February 2022 where a decision will be made.

An information guide titled Guide to Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 As Amended is also available.

Project Lead Update - Fortnightly Focus

The team are continuing to work hard to support senior pupils during their prelims.

Daily online sessions from 10-11am are being offered during the Prelim diet.

We have our next session for parents on Tuesday 25th Jan on Mindfulness. We have been really pleased with how the sessions have gone so far and hope to continue building on this success.

Finally, well done to Heather for creating this resource for pupils, here is a link to the website:

Following on from the whole staff meeting, we thought we would update you all on the group of pupils that we are currently supporting in terms of study skills. We have been offering supported study online, every day, throughout study leave. When pupils return from study leave, we will continue to offer an after school, in-person session on Tuesdays and an online session on Thursday evenings.

While we will be analysing the tracking data again after the prelims, we would really appreciate it if you could fill in a pupil concern form for any pupils that you think could benefit from working on study skills. The pupil concern form can be found here:

DYW - Partnership Engagement at Balfron High School

Below is a link to a Google form which if you should complete for any partnerships/employer engagements that have taken place since the start of October or are planned this session.

If you have multiple events, then please complete this more than once.

Partnerships What information I need?

This relates to employer/employment engagement:

i.e. an activity that provides some learning about the world of work that involves an external partner.

  • a work insight discussion

  • work experience for individual

  • visit to an employer

  • specific activity with an employer.

This can include third sector and voluntary work options where pupils are gaining an increased understanding about the world of work.

Many thanks in advance.

Neil Cameron

CLPL Corner

Parental Engagement and Family Learning Workshops

This one hour session is aimed at teachers and school leaders:

Parental Engagement and Family Learning in Forth Valley and West Lothian RIC - Session 1 | Events | News and events | Education Scotland

  • Outline the differences and synergies between Family Learning and Parental Engagement

  • Help practitioners to think about how they can capitalise on Parental Engagement and Family Learning to drive forward improvements

  • Provide delegates with practice examples

Learning, Teaching & Assessment CLPL

This week the focus is on feedback. I am sure as you mark papers and see patterns emerging, you will be thinking about planning the best way to provide feedback.

In the podcast from The Cult of Pedagogy, English teacher Matthew Johnson, talks about 'Flash Feedback'.

Characteristics of effective feedback (11.15) to force learning

    • focus on only one or two things

    • the feedback needs to cause action

    • use systems and technology for efficiencies

I found the yellow feedback CLPL image on @FionaLeadbeater' Twitter feed. She often tweets useful and interesting L&T information and links. Helpfully, the QR codes take you directly to the podcasts, articles and video clips.

Health & Wellbeing Offer

This health and wellbeing offer will consist of three 90 minute confidential coaching sessions with no more than six people per group to ensure you receive the quality time you deserve. Find out more and sign up today: @knowyoumoreco

Health & Wellbeing - Counselling for staff

Did you know counselling is available through Stirling Council?

Employee Counselling is available through our Occupational Health provider, People Asset Management (PAM)

There are a few ways employees can request Counselling.

  • Stuart Shaw on

  • Contact

  • Call Ann at PAM on 0800 882 4102

If you want some more information about counselling, what to expect or looking for self-help resources then please pop in and see Karin Figliolini or drop her an email.

Calendar 2021-22

24 January S3 Parents' Meeting

wb 31 January Team meetings

4 February S4 Tracking due

10 February S4 Parents Meeting

11 February S5/6 Tracking due

Calendar 2021-22

14 February In-service Day

15 February In-service Day

16 February Holiday

21 February Return to school

20220107143917395_Changes-to-Self-Isolation-Jan-2022 (1).pdf

H&S should always be on your Team Meeting Agendas.

Although it does look like the Covid situation is improving nationally, please ensure that you continue to be aware of – and observe – all Covid guidelines.

The latest information can be found in the Google Staff Shared H&S Folder here:

And also on the Glow Stirling Site here:

Useful Links

Collegiate calendar 21-22

2021-22 school holidays

S:\_Shared\_Weekly Info\Staff Cover\2021-2022

Balfron HS Who's Who?

Supervision Rota 21-22
Extra-Curricular Programme 2021-22
BHS SIP & Recovery Plan 202-22.docx
Extra Curricular Poster Times.docx

Quality Assurance 2021-22 - Classroom Visits

Term 1 Classroom Observations

Our observation pro forma is based on the HGIOS QI, 2.3

Features of highly effective practice are on page 2 along with challenge questions.

Classroom Observation 2.3 Learning, Teaching and Assessment.doc

Quality Assurance 2021-22

Open Doors Dates

I will be joined by a PT for Open Doors this session as follows:

7 October Expressive Arts L McAllister

19 October English G MacKay

28 October Science N Macquarrie

9 November Health M Skinner

25 November Mod Languages A Barrie

29 November Technologies D Gormal

tba Maths M Young

6 December Social Subjects S Boyle