Balfron Matters 

Monday 19 February 2024

 Weekly communication for staff 

Dear colleagues,

Learning Matters

Sometimes it feels like the biggest challenge in the classroom is to engage and motivate our young people. An important key to this is to constantly check for understanding and doing our best to ensure pupils cannot opt out. I believe that checking for everyone's understanding is one of the singlemost important things we should do every period of every lesson. This will help ensure that young people are not passive as they won't have a choice!  It is helpful to ask yourself are you teaching one person or everyone? Some easy ways to check for everyone's understanding are:

The list is not exhaustive, but an easy start.  If you need any resources to support this, let me know.  

Tom Sherington has a great short (8 mins) video highlighting 5 ways to check for understanding. Michelle has done a fabulous job of creating a new L&T website (link on the right). In time this will grow to hold ever aspect of our L&T work.  We were excited to buy Walkthrus. There are fantastic resources that support almost all areas of our work.  We hope you will find this useful for your working groups.

Course Choice Matters

We all know that there is a close link between course choice and attainment.  We must get our young people into the courses best suited for success.  Using the tracking data you have provided, this week PTs will begin  interviewing S4 pupils and SLT will be interviewing S5 pupils.  

Attainment Matters

Our focus is 'the drive for five'.  For most young people this will be a drive to 5 Highers before they leave, others 5 National Qualifications. Phil has done a great piece of work identifying pupils who are most at risk and need our support.  Please ensure that we do all we can to help them progress and staff in courses.  Note that a "D" at higher is considered a pass and worth more insight points than an "A" at National 5. The Retrieval Practice section of Walkthrus is helpful.

Behaviour Matters

At the Leadership team meeting we discussed how we best support all staff with behaviour.  Please help eachother by ensuring a consistent approach to our classroom management and expectations.  The PTs and SLT will reinforce these key things in classrooms, already in our policy:


Mobile Phones - Next steps

Thanks for sharing your views and suggestions on the issue of mobile phones.  Here is a link to the summary. The next steps are:

I have bought a few mobile phone holders for classrooms. If anyone would like to try them out, let me know. 

Mobile March

I am launching Mobile March at assemblies this week and will reinforce the 'bag it' rule.  Without demonising mobile phone use, the purpose is to highlight the links between screen time, learning and wellbeing.  All suggestions welcome!

Have a great week.


This week at Balfron High:

S4/5 Course Choice Interviews Begin

HT/PT Post Prelim Analysis Meetings

Mon: S3 Assembly


Wed: S4 Assembly

Thurs: S5/6 Assembly

S4 Parents' Night (online)

Fri: S1/2 Assembly

Purple Friday - fundraiser for LGBT history month

This week's assembly:

S3 Assembly 19022023

Last week at Balfron

Pics include our successful record number of S4 pupils who achieved bronze Duke of Edinburgh; our Burns Supper planned and delivered by our FA Hospitality group; our successful senior boys football squad who beat Alloa 3-0; active learning in science and our senior ski trip to Austria.

Please take photos and share with me directly or through Twitter (with pupils' permission).  Let's recognise and celebrate all the good stuff. We will also share on the BM and Parent Noticeboard. #wearebalfron

CLPL Corner

click image 

new learning & teaching site

Links to:

*BHS toolkit*




Thursday lunch, C8

Generative Learning Part 1: 

Deeper engagement in learning through graphic organisation

Sign up here

SQA Calendar for Coursework and Assignments 2023-24

Balfron High School National 5 Calendar SQA Assignments
Balfron High School Higher Calendar SQA Assignments
Balfron High School Advanced Higher Calendar SQA Assignments

The Brew Box  ☕

It will be open at break & lunch to pupils as follows, staff are always welcome to come along and enjoy a coffee and the chat. 

Monday S1 & S6

Tuesday  S2 & S6

Wednesday         S3 & S6

Thursday S4 & S6

Friday  S5 & S6

February is LGBT History Month

Thanks to Ansley and Andrew for organising activities as follows:

Learning & Teaching Updates

Updated padlet:

L&T Resources

Lots and lots (and lots) of new links have been added to the resource padlet around the themes of our working groups. Click below to access.

BHS L&T Toolkit

 GLOW tile

This is now a tile on the glow BHS landing page - look out for it! 

Powering up our seniors for successful studying

Quick links for form and class resourcing

National supported study, free offer to all learners.

Click here

E-sgoil senior learning spaces

Click here

BHS study technique clips

Click here

Our Priorities for improvement 2023-24

Improvement Plan 23-24 draft

Assemblies January- March 2024

BHS Assembly Programme Jan-Mar 24

 CLPL opportunities

Digital CLPL  

 always available through the links below:

Teacher's Guide to the BHS Study Planner.webm

Teachers Guide to the BHS Study Planner - 3 min watch

Weekly Study Planner 2022

BHS senior study planner

e-sgoil weekly online supported study timetable

One portal to hold all information

ERP MyPortal.pdf

Useful Links