Balfron Matters

16 August 2021

Weekly communication for staff

Dear all,

Welcome back! I hope that you have had a restful and positive break. I feel very positive, optimistic and a touch cautious.

This genuinely feels like a year of recovery and regeneration. Mostly, I am really looking forward to operating in a more human and connected way. While we re-establish our school culture, there is an opportunity to create a Balfron that is even better and more successful than before. I think there will be some interesting developments ahead in terms of assessment and how the SQA operates. In my view, it would be fantastic if the aspirations of Curriculum for Excellence articulate with the aspirations and approaches to assessment. Let's wait and see. Regardless, we did well last session and can learn from the experiences.

I feel privileged to be looking forward to a great new year, working with such a a fantastic, hardworking and skilled staff.

With thanks and best wishes for a successful new session,


Welcome to new staff and new appointments

Steven McAteer (PE) Andrew Burns (Chemistry) Jennifer Stein (Biology) Fiona Garner (SLA)

Aidah Anwar (English) Eadie McCallum (Geography) Rhys Williamson (PE) Abby Strachan (SLA)

Staff Meeting Presentations - Monday August 16th 2021

Inset 1 Meeting 16/8/21
Inservice Day 2021-22 (1).pptx
Copy of Equity Team Update - Aug 2021
SDS Introduction for Teaching staff 2021.pptx

School Priorities 21-22

Recovery - Rebuilding our school culture

  • Human Connection is at our very core

  • Clear expectations and simple routines for young people are paramount

  • Investment in meaningful CLPL discussion about effective learning for staff


Learning, Teaching & Assessment


Have your say for 21-22. If you have not already, please complete the survey. It will help highlight aspects of our provision that you think should be improved next session.

Priorities for next session - my views

Improvement Plan 2021-22

Rebuilding our school culture at Balfron High

As you would expect, working through the pandemic, our priorities have been safe operations and delivering the curriculum, remotely or in person.

It is fair to say that our collective digital skill level has developed considerably in the last year and while the challenges have been significant, there have been some silver linings that will influence future practice:

  • use of digital technology to enhance learning & teaching

  • increased accessibility for for some parents to attend on-line meetings

  • recordings of lessons and meetings that can be accessed and referred to later

  • the efficiency of on-line parents' meetings

Supervision Rota 21-22

Supervision at interval or lunchtime is a proactive approach to minimising poor choices and decisions that pupils make when they think nobody is watching. The SLT are out every day but given the size of the campus, supervision is most effective when there are a number of staff out and about.

If you can give some time to this, it would be much appreciated and help maintain good order on campus. You will be offered a lunch or snack on the day that you help out.

If you can commit, please put your name in the slot and area that you can help with.

Supervision Rota 21-22
Collegiate Calendar 21-22 100621.xlsx

SNC - Collegiate Calendar 2021-22

The SNC agreed the Collegiate Calendar 21-22 at the end of June. We know that there may be changes depending on what lies ahead. We have committed to meeting termly to review and update the calendar where necessary.

Parents' meetings will be on-line for now.

If there is another serious wave of COVID in the community, we know that we can move to a week A / Week B model if necessary.

There are comments in many of the boxes to share rationale for date choices. Please direct comments, queries or feedback to your professional association rep, Gordon MacKay, Amanda Short or me.

Global Schools Advocates Program

Copy of SDG End of Year Review.mp4

Last session the Head Prefects signed us up to the Global Schools Programme. Despite restrictions, they began working towards a few goals. The team created a short video to highlight what had been achieved. This session's Head Prefects will pick this up. There is an important role for teachers and schools to promote SDGs in our curriculum, decision making and day to day actions.

Now a part of the Global Schools Programme, you are invited to be part of the advocacy programme . If you are interested in taking part in this, please pop along and see me.

Calendar 2021-22

16 August In-service Day 1

Staff BBQ - 3pm start

17 August In-service Day 2

18 August Pupils Return

23 August Freshers' Fayre

Wednesday 18 August

New S1

  • Outdoor assembly at side of school (CA/EB)

  • Form Class Leaders collect and take to classroom

  • PT Home Area - buddies to pick up and collect first week

All pupils

  • Form class period 1a: 9.00 -9.25 (timetables & virtual assembly)

  • Period 1 classes 1b: 9.25-9.50am

  • Return to form before/after break

Useful Links