Monday 15 August 2022

Weekly communication for staff

Balfron Matters

Dear colleagues,

Welcome back! I hope you have had a fantastic break and managed to recharge your batteries. It is great to have you all back at Balfron High. I am feeling really positive about the year ahead.

SQA results are pretty much as expected. Thank you for your hard work in supporting our young people through another unsettled year. Overall, the results are good with the quality of passes strong on the whole. We also have a good number of candidates who are entitled to appeal and I appreciate you help in getting evidence together for them. Our S4 pupils did really well - 74% attaining 5 or more N5 passes. We have dropped significantly in breadth and depth with S5 due to the high number of withdrawals - 30% passed 5 or more Highers. An important focus for our young people and the school will be to ensure that the new S6 who have not attained 5 Highers as course to get them close to or over this important measure - and to keep them in courses.

Thanks to the Leadership Team and colleagues who helped with phone calls to pupils. We called every S4-6 pupil from last session to discuss their exam results, congratulate, support or to simply leave a message.

As agreed last session, this is the year of challenge at Balfron High. Simply put, that means that our focus is helping us gain a shared understanding of what challenge looks like and helping pupils and their parents/carers understand the value of a challenging environment.

A whole school approach based on the principles of cognitive science, led by Project Leads, Michelle, Heather, Pam and David, will help give us and our families all the tools to do this really confidently. All in all it is an exciting time to be part of the teaching and support team at Balfron.

Great to have you all here. Have a great week.


This week at Balfron High:

  • Monday: Inset 1 & Staff BBQ

  • Tuesday: Inset 2

  • Wednesday: Pupils Return

  • Thursday: Timetable

  • Friday: Freshers' Fayre

School Priorities 2022-23

  • Wellbeing – staff, pupils, community

  • Recovery - re-establishing positive school culture of challenge

  • Learning, Teaching and Assessment - the science of learning, digital approaches, assessment

  • PEF & Equity

Inset Aug 22

Inservice Day

Remember BBQ in the Strathendrick Suite at 3.30pm

Presentations can be found in the staff shared Google Drive. For quick access, click on the links below.

Inset 1 Meeting 15/8/22
Project Leads: Challenge 22-23
School Staff Briefing
Form Class Presentation
Prefects 202-2023

Welcome to new our staff

Welcome to our probationers, new permanent teachers and temporary staff. It's great to have you join us:

Bethany Pace (geography) Matthew Crawford (PE) Marcus Rose (English)

Ashley Edwards (music) Amy McColgan (RMPS) Holly Hunter (PE)

Stuart Baines (maths) Calum MacKenna (English) Perrine Buvry (French)

Hannah Denholm (business) Samantha Bannerman (business) Alison Macfarlane (HE)

Welcome back:

Andrew Burns Jenny MacKay Bec Youens Stuart Youens Lizzie Johnston

Lauren Moss Fiona Galloway Scott Mason

Assembly Programme

I plan to see every year group this week in form or the start of period one as highlighted below. Apologies for the inevitable inconvenience. The focus is hopes, expectations and embracing challenge.

BHS Assembly Programme Aug-Oct22

CLPL Corner

As we start our year of challenge there are a few important considerations to make. This blog on the left, written by a science teacher, gives a helpful, common sense perspective of the key things to consider:

  • Do we have a shared understanding of what challenge looks like?

  • Where does the balance lie between challenge and support?

  • Does our curriculum inspire and challenge?

  • Do pupils understand the value of challenge and expect it?

  • The link between difficulty and resilience

  • Normalising errors & growth mindset

The blog is a quick and easy read and will reassure you about what you do!

Back to basics with Rosenshine's Principles

Rosenshine's Principles combine three research areas, cognitive science, classroom practice and cognitive support and how they complement each other by addressing how:

  • we learn and acquire new information

  • great teachers implement effective classroom practice

  • teachers can support learners to learn complex material

Reflection for the week:

  1. How many pupils dominate your lessons?

  2. How do you know if they all understood?

Setting expectations and managing behaviour from the beginning

- focus on these key principles (read, watch or listen)

In the short video (above), Bill Rogers gives practical examples of how to deal effectively with unsettled classes and setting behaviour standards.

Leadership Thoughts & Perspectives

I like these 1 minute walk 2 work videos by Joe Sanfelippo. Sound is not perfect but the message is clear!

This one is about supporting and valuing each other's ideas. He makes the point that may great ideas are lost because we are unsure of how colleagues will react to them.

Let's ensure at Balfron that we support ideas, value each other and share successes and interesting practice.

Calendar 2022-23

14 August In-service Day 1 & Staff BBQ

15 August In-service Day 2

16 August Pupils return

18 August Freshers' Fayre

8 September Science of Learning Session for parents/carers

15 September Senior Awards Ceremony

30 September Gen Z screening for parents & carers

Collegiate Calendar 2022-23

Health & Wellbeing - Counselling for staff

Did you know counselling is available through Stirling Council?

Employee Counselling is available through our Occupational Health provider, People Asset Management (PAM)

There are a few ways employees can request Counselling.

  • Stuart Shaw on

  • Contact

  • Call Ann at PAM on 0800 882 4102

If you want some more information about counselling, what to expect or looking for self-help resources then please pop in and see Karin Figliolini or drop her an email.

Useful Links

BHS SIP & Recovery Plan 202-22.docx