Balfron Matters 

Monday 18 September 2023

 Weekly communication for staff 

Good morning,

I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend and you‘re ready for another busy week at school. 

In my first week as Acting HT it has been really good to see extracurricular clubs and the Interhouse Programme up and running.  Thank you to all involved, your commitment is much appreciated.

The Equally Safe at School (ESAS) programme was launched through assemblies last week and young people are being asked to complete the surveys.  Thank you to Nikki Buchanan, Andrew Burns, Connor Heath, Elaine Johnstone and Andrew Lauder for presenting at the assemblies. The information generated is important as it will be used to inform our next steps.  Please encourage all young people, who are interested, to get involved; if they would like more information they can speak with Elaine Johnstone or myself. 

On Wednesday morning S5/6 were involved in a variety of health & wellbeing workshops through their PSE Programme. The guest speakers included Organ Donation, Kooth talking about managing stress and anxiety, a talk by Breastfeeding Network Scotland and CPR training.  A Google form is on the S5/6 Year Group Classroom to seek the views of our young people.

Following the initial session at the beginning of term, the Learning & Teaching Workshops met again last week; thank you to our pedagogy leads for their input.  There were some great discussions and interesting ideas to improve practice which we will look at in the coming weeks.

In the week ahead, we will be hearing about Reading Schools in assemblies and the Expressive Arts Team are launching the school show. The latter has always been a real success for Balfron and again I ask that you encourage participation where you can.

Thank you for your continued hard work and professionalism. Have a good week.



This week at Balfron High:

Team Meetings

Mon: S3 Assembly

   S4/5/6 Tracking & Monitoring


Wed: S4 Assembly

Reading Cafe, Library (1400)

Thurs: S5/6 Assembly

Fri: S1/2 Assembly

Last week at Balfron

Our Priorities for improvement 2023-24

Improvement Plan 23-24 draft

New for session 23/24

Learning & Teaching Working Groups 

We will celebrate our learning in a Pedagogy Festival, at April In service 2024.

The groups and their leads are as follows:

Climate for Learning - Routines and Relationships for inclusive, productive learning environments - Connor H, Andrew L & Shari L

Digital Technology - Exploring technologies to enhance learning experiences - Dougie S & Cari M

Lesson Structure - What we do and how we keep can doing it even better - Pam G & Fiona F

Meeting Learners Needs - Exploring the practices that make our lessons more accessible - Nicola D & Oonagh M

Formative Assessment - Developing our feedback loops and increasing challenge - Andrew B & Alistair B

Assemblies - August-October 2023

BHS Assembly Programme Aug-Oct 23

CLPL Corner

 CLPL opportunities

Leadership courses for session 23/24 

Sign up now!

There are a number of fully funder professional learning programmes available from Education Scotland for next session.  Applications are now open.  Of particular interest, I wanted to highlight the Educator Leadership Programme (ELP):

For aspiring middle leaders, applications are open to the Aspiring to Middle Leadership course.

For Middle Leaders, applications are currently open for Middle Leaders Leading Change – Education Scotland (Rona Grant) has written about the programme here and for even more inspiration; have a look at her brilliant February Blog post: Middle Leadership Glue (

Digital CLPL  

 always available through the links below:

External CLPL

BHS Professional Learning Notice board. 

Search. Click. Book

Powering up our seniors for successful studying

Teacher's Guide to the BHS Study Planner.webm

Teachers Guide to the BHS Study Planner - 3 min watch

Weekly Study Planner 2022

BHS senior study planner

e-sgoil weekly online supported study timetable

One portal to hold all information

ERP MyPortal.pdf

Health & Wellbeing - Counselling for staff

Did you know counselling is available through Stirling Council?

Employee Counselling is available through our Occupational Health provider, People Asset Management (PAM)

There are a few ways employees can request Counselling. 

If you want some more information about counselling, what to expect or looking for self-help resources then please pop in and see Karin Figliolini or drop her an email.

Useful Links