Balfron Matters 

Monday 3 June 2024

 Weekly communication for staff 

Dear colleagues,

Happy new timetable!  Massive thanks to David, the Admin Team and PTs for creating and coordinating our new timetable. The school curriculum, timetable and courses we invest in reflect our purpose and values.  Given the addition of some more new vocational and level 5 courses, we can safely say that we are building futures together.

It is a time for setting the tone, expectations and routines in our classrooms.  Our Climate for Learning Working Group created a set of slides to set expectations for the start of each new term. This was shared at the Pedagogy Festival.  Please use /amend these to suit your context. It is imperative that we help each other by consistently applying our expectations.  Here is the link to the slides.

To ensure a consistently positive start in each class, best practice would include:

You will find some great advice in the Walkthru section of our L&T website.  I have copied three helpful graphics from there and shared them below.

Some great things happened last week. Thanks to Rachel and Lesley for delivering a successful and engaging Cooperative Learning refresh.  They shared a wide range of excellent techniques that support effective group work.  We will plan to run these again in the new session.

Our Working Group Leads attended the first Collaborative Leadership session on Thursday.  They had time to consider frameworks and strategies to design, facilitate impactful, research informed CLPL that sustainably develops teaching performance and its impact on learning through rich, open dialogue. I am confident that this will support us in our working group model next session. 

Finding Your Thing Matters #buildingfuturestogether 

Thanks to Neil Cameron, Fiona, Karyee, Kelly-Marie and Lesley for a great Future Pathways event.  It was fantastic to see such a wide range of providers that covered apprenticeships, colleges, universities and the world of work.  It was particularly positive to see former pupils  back at Balfron in their new roles, doing so well.  Informal feedback was fantastic from providers and young people.  This is an important input for our young people to help them consider and find their thing and plan for their pathway.  Thanks again to Neil and the team.

Thanks are also due to Ashley Edwards for organising and supporting the smooth running of the Rock Gig on Friday.  This was a fabulous example of providing an opportunity for a group of young people, who have found their thing and been confident to share it. It was really super to see so many staff in the theatre supporting both groups. I loved it!

An opportunity has come up to offer 12 pupils an Ocean Youth Trust Voyage at a heavily reduced price (approx £400 per pupil). If this might interest you, please drop in or send me an email.

Another busy week ahead with P7 transition and more collaborative leadership CLPL. 

Thanks to everyone for your hard work and professionalism.


Have a great week.


This week at Balfron High:

Mon: New Timetable starts

Tues: P7 Transition

S5/6 Water Safety Talk, Period 2

Wed: P7 Sports & Arts Festival

Leadership Team Meeting, 3.45pm

Thurs: PTs: Collaborative Leadership

P7 Transition

Uniform Evening, 5pm

Fri: Working Group Leads: Collaborative Leadership #2 

Literacy Matters

Word of the week is imperative. Please recognise and encourage young people to use this in context!

Your views matter

Activities Week 2025

We have had 20 responses on whether we should have an activities week for everyone next year.  so far it is 15 for 'yes' and 5 for 'maybe'.

 If we are going to do this in some form, EVERYONE will be involved, so if you haven't already, please give us your views - the outcome impacts us all.  It is very short!! 

Thanks for you input.

Promoting Positive Behaviour

Acknowledging good behaviour helps encourage repetition and communicates our expectations and values.  By having a range of ways that we acknowledge, recognise and celebrate the good stuff, our ethos will tip stringly into the positive. 

If you haven't already given your views, please do add them. Claire Appelquist will be using the info in a short life working group.

Open Doors Last Week- English, HE & Flexible Learning

Thanks you to the Languages, HE and Flexible Learning Teams for their welcome.  It was notable to see strong starts in all areas.  Teachers welcoming young people at the door and quickly setting the tone for calm, purposeful, focused learning. It was a pity that PE was rained off - watch this space!

👇 More Open Doors 

Last week at Balfron 

Pics include:

Please take photos and share with me directly or through Twitter (with pupils' permission).  Let's recognise and celebrate all the good stuff.  We will also share in the Parent Noticeboard. #wearebalfron

Weekly in-house CLPL

Lunch n Learn: Wednesday C8

This week: Literacy Matters workshop continues with Nicola D

vocabulary CLPL

Nicola explained the role of vocabularly and the challenges across the curriculum when literacy levels are behind

We all designed a vocabulary cube using a word from our specialsed areas

Quizzing each other - it was tricky trying to work out what the word was 

Join us, 

Wednesday lunchtimes, C8

Lunch N Learn 

May 2024

A new series of CLPL inputs around the use of literacy and vocabulary in our classrooms to boost attainment.

Presented by Nicola

 CLPL opportunities

With exam leave started we tend to turn our attentions to development work and professional develoment of our own interest.

 Have a look below at the CLPL opportunites available:

Lunch n Learn, Professional Reading Library, Education Scotland  Learn , Walkthrus,  BHS Digital CLPL, Professional Book Club

Professional Reading Library - Strathendrick Suite

Scan the QR codes in the library to borrow a book

Digital CLPL  

 always available through the links below:

Education Scotland: Professional Learning Modules

Education Scotland : 

Professional learning modules

to work through at your own pace.

Digital Resource Library and Walkthurs

Find lots of links here to blogs, podcasts, research papers etc.

Walkthrus is a new digital resource we have subscribed to.

It is a rich resource full of structured routines for developing all aspects of Learning & Teaching - it can be used individually as well as full departments.

It's really excellent - click on the link to explore more.

Professional Book Club

We are reading:

Making every lesson count

There are lots of copies of this book in our school, come join us!

Powering up our seniors for successful studying

Quick links for form and class resourcing

National supported study, free offer to all learners.

Click here

E-sgoil senior learning spaces

Click here

BHS study technique clips

Click here

Teacher's Guide to the BHS Study Planner.webm

Teachers Guide to the BHS Study Planner - 3 min watch

Weekly Study Planner 2022

BHS senior study planner

e-sgoil weekly online supported study timetable

Our Priorities for improvement 2023-24

Improvement Plan 23-24 draft

One portal to hold all information

ERP MyPortal.pdf

Useful Links